At any time on or after , the Capitol Police Board may incur obligations and make expenditures out of available appropriations for meals, refreshments and other support and maintenance for the Capitol Police when, in the judgment of the Capitol Police Board, such obligations and expenditures are necessary to respond to emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection of property.
Structure US Code
§ 1961. Policing of Capitol Buildings and Grounds
§ 1964. Security systems for Capitol buildings and grounds
§ 1965. Maintenance of security systems for Capitol buildings and grounds
§ 1965a. Prohibition on use of funds for installation of permanent fencing on Capitol Grounds
§ 1966. Protection of Members of Congress, officers of Congress, and members of their families
§ 1966a. Protection of former Speakers of the House of Representatives
§ 1967. Law enforcement authority
§ 1969. Regulation of traffic by Capitol Police Board
§ 1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies
§ 1971. Contributions of meals and refreshments during emergency duty
§ 1972. Contributions of comfort and other incidental items and services during emergency duty
§ 1973. Support and maintenance expenditures during emergency duty
§ 1974. Capitol Police special officers
§ 1975a. Overseas travel to accompany members of House leadership
§ 1976. Acceptance of donations of animals
§ 1977. Settlement and payment of tort claims
§ 1978. Deployment outside of jurisdiction