US Code
§ 667b. Transfer of certain real property for wildlife conservation purposes; reservation of rights

Upon request, real property which is under the jurisdiction or control of a Federal agency and no longer required by such agency, (1) can be utilized for wildlife conservation purposes by the agency of the State exercising administration over the wildlife resources of the State wherein the real property lies or by the Secretary of the Interior; and (2) is valuable for use for any such purpose, and which, in the determination of the Administrator of General Services, is available for such use may, notwithstanding any other provisions of law, be transferred without reimbursement or transfer of funds (with or without improvements as determined by said Administrator) by the Federal agency having jurisdiction or control of the property to (a) such State agency if the management thereof for the conservation of wildlife relates to other than migratory birds, or (b) to the Secretary of the Interior if the real property has particular value in carrying out the national migratory bird management program. Any such transfer to other than the United States shall be subject to the reservation by the United States of all oil, gas, and mineral rights, and to the condition that the property shall continue to be used for wildlife conservation or other of the above-stated purposes and in the event it is no longer used for such purposes or in the event it is needed for national defense purposes title thereto shall revert to the United States.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 661. Short title; authorization

§ 662. Impounding, diverting, or controlling of waters

§ 663. Impoundment or diversion of waters

§ 664. Administration; rules and regulations; availability of lands to State agencies

§ 665. Investigations as to effect of sewage, industrial wastes; reports

§ 665a. Maintenance of adequate water levels in upper Mississippi River

§ 666. Authorization of appropriations

§ 666a. Penalties

§ 666b. Definitions

§ 666c. Applicability to Tennessee Valley Authority

§ 666c–1. Protection of water, oceans, coasts, and wildlife from invasive species

§ 666d. Skagit National Wildlife Refuge; exchange of lands

§ 666e. Administration of acquired lands

§ 666f. Wildlife conservation and agricultural, industrial, recreational, and related uses for certain Federal lands; transfer of lands to Secretary of the Interior; administration, development, and disposition

§ 666g. Classification of lands; industrial leases; moneys subject to ; administration; jurisdiction of Federal agencies

§ 667. Game management supply depots; appropriations

§ 667a. Omitted

§ 667b. Transfer of certain real property for wildlife conservation purposes; reservation of rights

§ 667c. Publication of designating order

§ 667d. Reports to Congress

§ 667e. Repealed. , ,

§ 667f. Availability of grain to prevent waterfowl depredations; payment of packaging, transporting, handling, and other charges

§ 667f–1. Requisition of grain to prevent crop depredation by migratory waterfowl

§ 667f–2. Reimbursement of packaging and transporting expenses

§ 667f–3. Authorization of appropriations for mitigating losses caused by waterfowl depredation

§ 667g. Requisition of surplus grain; prevention of starvation of resident game birds and other resident wildlife; utilization by State agencies; reimbursement for packaging and transporting

§ 667g–1. Requisition and use of grain for prevention of starvation of migratory birds; reimbursement for packaging and transporting

§ 667g–2. Authorization of appropriations for reimbursement of Commodity Credit Corporation

§ 667h. Chronic Wasting Disease Task Force

§ 667i. Chronic wasting disease research and management program