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§ 661. Short title; authorization - (a) Short titleThis Act may be cited as the “Fish...
§ 662. Impounding, diverting, or controlling of waters - (a) Consultations between agenciesExcept as hereafter stated in subsection (h)...
§ 663. Impoundment or diversion of waters - (a) Conservation, maintenance, and management of wildlife resources; development and...
§ 664. Administration; rules and regulations; availability of lands to State agencies - Such areas as are made available to the Secretary of...
§ 665. Investigations as to effect of sewage, industrial wastes; reports - The Secretary of the Interior, through the Fish and Wildlife...
§ 665a. Maintenance of adequate water levels in upper Mississippi River - In the management of existing facilities (including locks, dams, and...
§ 666. Authorization of appropriations - There is authorized to be appropriated from time to time,...
§ 666a. Penalties - Any person who shall violate any rule or regulation promulgated...
§ 666b. Definitions - The terms “wildlife” and “wildlife resources” as used herein include...
§ 666c. Applicability to Tennessee Valley Authority - The provisions of this Act shall not apply to the...
§ 666c–1. Protection of water, oceans, coasts, and wildlife from invasive species - (a) DefinitionsIn this section:(1) ControlThe term “control”, with respect to...
§ 666d. Skagit National Wildlife Refuge; exchange of lands - The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his discretion,...
§ 666e. Administration of acquired lands - Any lands acquired by the Secretary of the Interior under...
§ 666f. Wildlife conservation and agricultural, industrial, recreational, and related uses for certain Federal lands; transfer of lands to Secretary of the Interior; administration, development, and disposition - In order to promote the orderly development and use of...
§ 666g. Classification of lands; industrial leases; moneys subject to ; administration; jurisdiction of Federal agencies - All of the lands transferred to the Secretary of the...
§ 667. Game management supply depots; appropriations - Appropriations made for the administration, protection, maintenance, control, improvements, and...
§ 667a. Omitted -
§ 667b. Transfer of certain real property for wildlife conservation purposes; reservation of rights - Upon request, real property which is under the jurisdiction or...
§ 667c. Publication of designating order - Whenever any real property is transferred pursuant to sections 667b...
§ 667d. Reports to Congress - A statement of the acreage and value of such property...
§ 667e. Repealed. , , -
§ 667f. Availability of grain to prevent waterfowl depredations; payment of packaging, transporting, handling, and other charges - For the purpose of preventing crop damage by migratory waterfowl,...
§ 667f–1. Requisition of grain to prevent crop depredation by migratory waterfowl - Upon a finding by the Secretary of the Interior that...
§ 667f–2. Reimbursement of packaging and transporting expenses - With respect to all grain made available pursuant to ,...
§ 667f–3. Authorization of appropriations for mitigating losses caused by waterfowl depredation - There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may...
§ 667g. Requisition of surplus grain; prevention of starvation of resident game birds and other resident wildlife; utilization by State agencies; reimbursement for packaging and transporting - For the purpose of meeting emergency situations caused by adverse...
§ 667g–1. Requisition and use of grain for prevention of starvation of migratory birds; reimbursement for packaging and transporting - Upon a finding by the Secretary of the Interior that...
§ 667g–2. Authorization of appropriations for reimbursement of Commodity Credit Corporation - There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may...
§ 667h. Chronic Wasting Disease Task Force - (a) DefinitionsIn this section:(1) CervidThe term “cervid” means any species...
§ 667i. Chronic wasting disease research and management program - (a) Research program(1) In generalNot later than 90 days after...
§ 668. Bald and golden eagles - (a) Prohibited acts; criminal penaltiesWhoever, within the United States or...
§ 668a. Taking and using of the bald and golden eagle for scientific, exhibition, and religious purposes - Whenever, after investigation, the Secretary of the Interior shall determine...
§ 668b. Enforcement provisions - (a) Arrest; search; issuance and execution of warrants and processAny...
§ 668c. Definitions - As used in this subchapter “whoever” includes also associations, partnerships,...
§ 668d. Availability of appropriations for Migratory Bird Treaty Act - Moneys now or hereafter available to the Secretary of the...
§§ 668aa to 668cc–6. Repealed. , , -
§ 668dd. National Wildlife Refuge System - (a) Designation; administration; continuance of resources-management-programs for refuge lands in...
§ 668ee. Definitions - (1) The term “compatible use” means a wildlife-dependent recreational use...
§§ 668ff to 668jj. Omitted -
§§ 668kk to 668ss. Omitted -