(a) Monthly accounting report to Congress(1) Reporting requirementsNot later than the fifth business day of each month during the applicable period for a major disaster, the Administrator shall submit to the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and to the Committee on Small Business and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives a report on the operation of the disaster loan program authorized under section 636 of this title for that major disaster during the preceding month.
(2) ContentsEach report submitted under paragraph (1) shall include—(A) the daily average lending volume, in number of loans and dollars, and the percent by which each category has increased or decreased since the previous report under paragraph (1);
(B) the weekly average lending volume, in number of loans and dollars, and the percent by which each category has increased or decreased since the previous report under paragraph (1);
(C) the amount of funding spent over the month for loans, both in appropriations and program level, and the percent by which each category has increased or decreased since the previous report under paragraph (1);
(D) the amount of funding available for loans, both in appropriations and program level, and the percent by which each category has increased or decreased since the previous report under paragraph (1), noting the source of any additional funding;
(E) an estimate of how long the available funding for such loans will last, based on the spending rate;
(F) the amount of funding spent over the month for staff, along with the number of staff, and the percent by which each category has increased or decreased since the previous report under paragraph (1);
(G) the amount of funding spent over the month for administrative costs, and the percent by which such spending has increased or decreased since the previous report under paragraph (1);
(H) the amount of funding available for salaries and expenses combined, and the percent by which such funding has increased or decreased since the previous report under paragraph (1), noting the source of any additional funding; and
(I) an estimate of how long the available funding for salaries and expenses will last, based on the spending rate.
(b) Weekly disaster updates to Congress for presidentially declared disasters(1) In generalEach week during a disaster update period, the Administration shall submit to the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship of the Senate and to the Committee on Small Business of the House of Representatives a report on the operation of the disaster loan program of the Administration for the area in which the President declared a major disaster.
(2) ContentsEach report submitted under paragraph (1) shall include—(A) the number of Administration staff performing loan processing, field inspection, and other duties for the declared disaster, and the allocations of such staff in the disaster field offices, disaster recovery centers, workshops, and other Administration offices nationwide;
(B) the daily number of applications received from applicants in the relevant area, as well as a breakdown of such figures by State;
(C) the daily number of applications pending application entry from applicants in the relevant area, as well as a breakdown of such figures by State;
(D) the daily number of applications withdrawn by applicants in the relevant area, as well as a breakdown of such figures by State;
(E) the daily number of applications summarily declined by the Administration from applicants in the relevant area, as well as a breakdown of such figures by State;
(F) the daily number of applications declined by the Administration from applicants in the relevant area, as well as a breakdown of such figures by State;
(G) the daily number of applications in process from applicants in the relevant area, as well as a breakdown of such figures by State;
(H) the daily number of applications approved by the Administration from applicants in the relevant area, as well as a breakdown of such figures by State;
(I) the daily dollar amount of applications approved by the Administration from applicants in the relevant area, as well as a breakdown of such figures by State;
(J) the daily amount of loans dispersed, both partially and fully, by the Administration to applicants in the relevant area, as well as a breakdown of such figures by State;
(K) the daily dollar amount of loans disbursed, both partially and fully, from the relevant area, as well as a breakdown of such figures by State;
(L) the number of applications approved, including dollar amount approved, as well as applications partially and fully disbursed, including dollar amounts, since the last report under paragraph (1); and
(M) the declaration date, physical damage closing date, economic injury closing date, and number of counties included in the declaration of a major disaster.
(c) Periods when additional disaster assistance is made available(1) In generalDuring any period for which the Administrator declares eligibility for additional disaster assistance under paragraph (9) of section 636(b) of this title, as amended by this Act, the Administrator shall, on a monthly basis, submit to the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship of the Senate and to the Committee on Small Business of the House of Representatives a report on the disaster assistance operations of the Administration with respect to the applicable major disaster.
(2) ContentsEach report submitted under paragraph (1) shall specify—(A) the number of applications for disaster assistance distributed;
(B) the number of applications for disaster assistance received;
(C) the average time for the Administration to approve or disapprove an application for disaster assistance;
(D) the amount of disaster loans approved;
(E) the average time for initial disbursement of disaster loan proceeds; and
(F) the amount of disaster loan proceeds disbursed.
(d) Notice of the need for supplemental fundsOn the same date that the Administrator notifies any committee of the Senate or the House of Representatives that supplemental funding is necessary for the disaster loan program of the Administration in any fiscal year, the Administrator shall notify in writing the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship of the Senate and the Committee on Small Business of the House of Representatives regarding the need for supplemental funds for that loan program.
(e) Report on contracting(1) In generalNot later than 6 months after the date on which the President declares a major disaster, and every 6 months thereafter until the date that is 18 months after the date on which the major disaster was declared, the Administrator shall submit a report to the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship of the Senate and to the Committee on Small Business of the House of Representatives regarding Federal contracts awarded as a result of that major disaster.
(2) ContentsEach report submitted under paragraph (1) shall include—(A) the total number of contracts awarded as a result of that major disaster;
(B) the total number of contracts awarded to small business concerns as a result of that major disaster;
(C) the total number of contracts awarded to women and minority-owned businesses as a result of that major disaster; and
(D) the total number of contracts awarded to local businesses as a result of that major disaster.
(f) Report on loan approval rate(1) In generalNot later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall submit a report to the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship of the Senate and the Committee on Small Business of the House of Representatives detailing how the Administration can improve the processing of applications under the disaster loan program of the Administration.
(2) ContentsThe report submitted under paragraph (1) shall include—(A) recommendations, if any, regarding—(i) staffing levels during a major disaster;
(ii) how to improve the process for processing, approving, and disbursing loans under the disaster loan program of the Administration, to ensure that the maximum assistance is provided to victims in a timely manner;
(iii) the viability of using alternative methods for assessing the ability of an applicant to repay a loan, including the credit score of the applicant on the day before the date on which the disaster for which the applicant is seeking assistance was declared;
(iv) methods, if any, for the Administration to expedite loss verification and loan processing of disaster loans during a major disaster for businesses affected by, and located in the area for which the President declared, the major disaster that are a major source of employment in the area or are vital to recovery efforts in the region (including providing debris removal services, manufactured housing, or building materials);
(v) legislative changes, if any, needed to implement findings from the Accelerated Disaster Response Initiative of the Administration; and
(vi) a description of how the Administration plans to integrate and coordinate the response to a major disaster with the technical assistance programs of the Administration; and
(B) the plans of the Administrator for implementing any recommendation made under subparagraph (A).
Structure US Code
§ 631a. Congressional declaration of small business economic policy
§ 631b. Reports to Congress; state of small business
§ 631c. Small Business Manufacturing Task Force
§ 633. Small Business Administration
§ 633a. Detailed justification for proposed changes in budget requests
§ 634a. Office of Advocacy within Small Business Administration; Chief Counsel for Advocacy
§ 634b. Primary functions of Office of Advocacy
§ 634c. Additional duties of Office of Advocacy
§ 634d. Staff and powers of Office of Advocacy
§ 634e. Assistance of Government agencies
§ 634g. Budgetary line item and authorization of appropriations
§ 636b. Disaster loan interest rates
§ 636c. Age of applicant for disaster loans
§ 636d. Disaster aid to major sources of employment
§ 636g. Development and implementation of major disaster response plan
§ 636h. Disaster planning responsibilities
§ 636i. Small business bonding threshold
§ 636k. Reports on disaster assistance
§ 637b. Availability of information
§ 637d. Subcontracting plan reports
§ 638. Research and development
§ 638b. Reducing vulnerability of SBIR and STTR programs to fraud, waste, and abuse
§ 639. Reporting requirements and agency cooperation
§ 639a. Review of loan program; submission of estimated needs for additional authorization
§ 640. Voluntary agreements among small-business concerns
§ 641. Transfer to Administration of other functions, powers, and duties
§ 643. Fair charge for use of Government-owned property
§ 644a. Small Business Procurement Advisory Council
§ 645a. Annual report on suspensions and debarments proposed by Small Business Administration
§ 647. Duplication of activities of other Federal departments or agencies
§ 648. Small business development center program authorization
§ 648c. SBA and USPTO partnerships
§ 649. Office of International Trade
§ 649b. Grants, contracts and cooperative agreements for international marketing programs
§ 649c. Authorization of appropriations
§ 649d. Central information clearinghouse
§ 650. Supervisory and enforcement authority for small business lending companies
§ 651. National small business tree planting program
§ 652. Central European Enterprise Development Commission
§ 653. Office of Rural Affairs
§ 654. Paul D. Coverdell drug-free workplace program
§ 655. Pilot Technology Access Program
§ 656. Women’s Business Center program
§ 657. Oversight of regulatory enforcement
§ 657d. Federal and State Technology Partnership Program
§ 657f–1. Certification of small business concerns owned and controlled by veterans
§ 657g. Participation in federally funded projects
§ 657h. Small business energy efficiency
§ 657i. Coordination of disaster assistance programs with FEMA
§ 657j. Information tracking and follow-up system for disaster assistance
§ 657k. Disaster processing redundancy
§ 657l. Comprehensive disaster response plan
§ 657m. Plans to secure sufficient office space
§ 657n. Immediate Disaster Assistance program
§ 657o. Annual reports on disaster assistance
§ 657p. Outreach regarding health insurance options available to children
§ 657q. Consolidation of contract requirements
§ 657r. Mentor-protege programs
§ 657s. Limitations on subcontracting