(1) examine the role of small business in the American economy and the contribution which small business can make in improving competition, encouraging economic and social mobility for all citizens, restraining inflation, spurring production, expanding employment opportunities, increasing productivity, promoting exports, stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship, and providing an avenue through which new and untested products and services can be brought to the marketplace;
(2) assess the effectiveness of existing Federal subsidy and assistance programs for small business and the desirability of reducing the emphasis on such existing programs and increasing the emphasis on general assistance programs designed to benefit all small businesses;
(3) measure the direct costs and other effects of government regulation on small businesses; and make legislative and nonlegislative proposals for eliminating excessive or unnecessary regulations of small businesses;
(4) determine the impact of the tax structure on small businesses and make legislative and other proposals for altering the tax structure to enable all small businesses to realize their potential for contributing to the improvement of the Nation’s economic well-being;
(5) study the ability of financial markets and institutions to meet small business credit needs and determine the impact of government demands for credit on small businesses;
(6) determine financial resource availability and to recommend methods for delivery of financial assistance to minority enterprises, including methods for securing equity capital, for generating markets for goods and services, for providing effective business education, more effective management and technical assistance, and training, and for assistance in complying with Federal, State, and local law;
(7) evaluate the efforts of Federal agencies, business and industry to assist minority enterprises;
(8) make such other recommendations as may be appropriate to assist the development and strengthening of minority and other small business enterprises;
(9) recommend specific measures for creating an environment in which all businesses will have the opportunity to complete 11 So in original. Probably should be “compete”. effectively and expand to their full potential, and to ascertain the common reasons, if any, for small business successes and failures;
(10) determine the desirability of developing a set of rational, objective criteria to be used to define small business, and to develop such criteria, if appropriate;
(11) advise, cooperate with, and consult with, the Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States with respect to section 504(e) of title 5; and
(12) evaluate the efforts of each department and agency of the United States, and of private industry, to assist small business concerns owned and controlled by veterans, as defined in section 632(q) of this title, and small business concerns owned and controlled by serviced-disabled 22 So in original. veterans, as defined in such section 632(q) of this title, and to provide statistical information on the utilization of such programs by such small business concerns, and to make appropriate recommendations to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration and to the Congress in order to promote the establishment and growth of those small business concerns.
Structure US Code
§ 631a. Congressional declaration of small business economic policy
§ 631b. Reports to Congress; state of small business
§ 631c. Small Business Manufacturing Task Force
§ 633. Small Business Administration
§ 633a. Detailed justification for proposed changes in budget requests
§ 634a. Office of Advocacy within Small Business Administration; Chief Counsel for Advocacy
§ 634b. Primary functions of Office of Advocacy
§ 634c. Additional duties of Office of Advocacy
§ 634d. Staff and powers of Office of Advocacy
§ 634e. Assistance of Government agencies
§ 634g. Budgetary line item and authorization of appropriations
§ 636b. Disaster loan interest rates
§ 636c. Age of applicant for disaster loans
§ 636d. Disaster aid to major sources of employment
§ 636g. Development and implementation of major disaster response plan
§ 636h. Disaster planning responsibilities
§ 636i. Small business bonding threshold
§ 636k. Reports on disaster assistance
§ 637b. Availability of information
§ 637d. Subcontracting plan reports
§ 638. Research and development
§ 638b. Reducing vulnerability of SBIR and STTR programs to fraud, waste, and abuse
§ 639. Reporting requirements and agency cooperation
§ 639a. Review of loan program; submission of estimated needs for additional authorization
§ 640. Voluntary agreements among small-business concerns
§ 641. Transfer to Administration of other functions, powers, and duties
§ 643. Fair charge for use of Government-owned property
§ 644a. Small Business Procurement Advisory Council
§ 645a. Annual report on suspensions and debarments proposed by Small Business Administration
§ 647. Duplication of activities of other Federal departments or agencies
§ 648. Small business development center program authorization
§ 648c. SBA and USPTO partnerships
§ 649. Office of International Trade
§ 649b. Grants, contracts and cooperative agreements for international marketing programs
§ 649c. Authorization of appropriations
§ 649d. Central information clearinghouse
§ 650. Supervisory and enforcement authority for small business lending companies
§ 651. National small business tree planting program
§ 652. Central European Enterprise Development Commission
§ 653. Office of Rural Affairs
§ 654. Paul D. Coverdell drug-free workplace program
§ 655. Pilot Technology Access Program
§ 656. Women’s Business Center program
§ 657. Oversight of regulatory enforcement
§ 657d. Federal and State Technology Partnership Program
§ 657f–1. Certification of small business concerns owned and controlled by veterans
§ 657g. Participation in federally funded projects
§ 657h. Small business energy efficiency
§ 657i. Coordination of disaster assistance programs with FEMA
§ 657j. Information tracking and follow-up system for disaster assistance
§ 657k. Disaster processing redundancy
§ 657l. Comprehensive disaster response plan
§ 657m. Plans to secure sufficient office space
§ 657n. Immediate Disaster Assistance program
§ 657o. Annual reports on disaster assistance
§ 657p. Outreach regarding health insurance options available to children
§ 657q. Consolidation of contract requirements
§ 657r. Mentor-protege programs
§ 657s. Limitations on subcontracting