US Code
§ 636a. Repealed. , ,

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 631. Declaration of policy

§ 631a. Congressional declaration of small business economic policy

§ 631b. Reports to Congress; state of small business

§ 631c. Small Business Manufacturing Task Force

§ 632. Definitions

§ 633. Small Business Administration

§ 633a. Detailed justification for proposed changes in budget requests

§ 634. General powers

§ 634a. Office of Advocacy within Small Business Administration; Chief Counsel for Advocacy

§ 634b. Primary functions of Office of Advocacy

§ 634c. Additional duties of Office of Advocacy

§ 634d. Staff and powers of Office of Advocacy

§ 634e. Assistance of Government agencies

§ 634f. Reports

§ 634g. Budgetary line item and authorization of appropriations

§ 635. Deposit of moneys; depositaries, custodians, and fiscal agents; contributions to employees’ compensation funds

§ 636. Additional powers

§ 636a. Repealed. , ,

§ 636b. Disaster loan interest rates

§ 636c. Age of applicant for disaster loans

§ 636d. Disaster aid to major sources of employment

§ 636e. Definitions

§ 636f. Coordination of efforts between the Administrator and the Internal Revenue Service to expedite loan processing

§ 636g. Development and implementation of major disaster response plan

§ 636h. Disaster planning responsibilities

§ 636i. Small business bonding threshold

§ 636j. Repealed. , ,

§ 636k. Reports on disaster assistance

§ 636l. Semiannual report

§ 636m. Loan forgiveness

§ 637. Additional powers

§ 637a. Repealed. , ,

§ 637b. Availability of information

§ 637c. Definitions

§ 637d. Subcontracting plan reports

§ 638. Research and development

§ 638a. GAO study with respect to venture capital operating company, hedge fund, and private equity firm involvement

§ 638b. Reducing vulnerability of SBIR and STTR programs to fraud, waste, and abuse

§ 639. Reporting requirements and agency cooperation

§ 639a. Review of loan program; submission of estimated needs for additional authorization

§ 639b. Oversight

§ 640. Voluntary agreements among small-business concerns

§ 641. Transfer to Administration of other functions, powers, and duties

§ 642. Requirements for loans

§ 643. Fair charge for use of Government-owned property

§ 644. Awards or contracts

§ 644a. Small Business Procurement Advisory Council

§ 645. Offenses and penalties

§ 645a. Annual report on suspensions and debarments proposed by Small Business Administration

§ 646. Liens

§ 647. Duplication of activities of other Federal departments or agencies

§ 648. Small business development center program authorization

§ 648a. Repealed. , ,

§ 648b. Grants for SBDCs

§ 648c. SBA and USPTO partnerships

§ 649. Office of International Trade

§ 649a. Omitted

§ 649b. Grants, contracts and cooperative agreements for international marketing programs

§ 649c. Authorization of appropriations

§ 649d. Central information clearinghouse

§ 650. Supervisory and enforcement authority for small business lending companies

§ 651. National small business tree planting program

§ 652. Central European Enterprise Development Commission

§ 653. Office of Rural Affairs

§ 654. Paul D. Coverdell drug-free workplace program

§ 655. Pilot Technology Access Program

§ 656. Women’s Business Center program

§ 657. Oversight of regulatory enforcement

§ 657a. HUBZone program

§ 657b. Veterans programs

§ 657c. Repealed. , ,

§ 657d. Federal and State Technology Partnership Program

§ 657e. Mentoring Networks

§ 657f. Procurement program for small business concerns owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans

§ 657f–1. Certification of small business concerns owned and controlled by veterans

§ 657g. Participation in federally funded projects

§ 657h. Small business energy efficiency

§ 657i. Coordination of disaster assistance programs with FEMA

§ 657j. Information tracking and follow-up system for disaster assistance

§ 657k. Disaster processing redundancy

§ 657l. Comprehensive disaster response plan

§ 657m. Plans to secure sufficient office space

§ 657n. Immediate Disaster Assistance program

§ 657o. Annual reports on disaster assistance

§ 657p. Outreach regarding health insurance options available to children

§ 657q. Consolidation of contract requirements

§ 657r. Mentor-protege programs

§ 657s. Limitations on subcontracting

§ 657t. Office of Credit Risk Management

§ 657u. Lender Oversight Committee