US Code
§ 60135. Enforcement transparency

(a) In General.—Not later than December 31, 2007, the Secretary shall—(1) provide a monthly updated summary to the public of all gas and hazardous liquid pipeline enforcement actions taken by the Secretary or the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, from the time a notice commencing an enforcement action is issued until the enforcement action is final;
(2) include in each such summary identification of the operator involved in the enforcement activity, the type of alleged violation, the penalty or penalties proposed, any changes in case status since the previous summary, the final assessment amount of each penalty, and the reasons for a reduction in the proposed penalty, if appropriate; and
(3) provide a mechanism by which a pipeline operator named in an enforcement action may make information, explanations, or documents it believes are responsive to the enforcement action available to the public.
(b) Electronic Availability.—Each summary under this section shall be made available to the public by electronic means.
(c) Relationship to FOIA.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to require disclosure of information or records that are exempt from disclosure under section 552 of title 5.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 60101. Definitions

§ 60102. Purpose and general authority

§ 60103. Standards for liquefied natural gas pipeline facilities

§ 60104. Requirements and limitations

§ 60105. State pipeline safety program certifications

§ 60106. State pipeline safety agreements

§ 60107. State pipeline safety grants

§ 60108. Inspection and maintenance

§ 60109. High-density population areas and environmentally sensitive areas

§ 60110. Excess flow valves

§ 60111. Financial responsibility for liquefied natural gas facilities

§ 60112. Pipeline facilities hazardous to life and property

§ 60113. Customer-owned natural gas service lines

§ 60114. One-call notification systems

§ 60115. Technical safety standards committees

§ 60116. Public education programs

§ 60117. Administrative

§ 60118. Compliance and waivers

§ 60119. Judicial review

§ 60120. Enforcement

§ 60121. Actions by private persons

§ 60122. Civil penalties

§ 60123. Criminal penalties

§ 60124. Biennial reports

§ 60125. Authorization of appropriations

§ 60126. Risk management

§ 60127. Population encroachment and rights-of-way

§ 60128. Dumping within pipeline rights-of-way

§ 60129. Protection of employees providing pipeline safety information

§ 60130. Pipeline safety information grants to communities

§ 60131. Verification of pipeline qualification programs

§ 60132. National pipeline mapping system

§ 60133. Coordination of environmental reviews

§ 60134. State damage prevention programs

§ 60135. Enforcement transparency

§ 60136. Petroleum product transportation capacity study

§ 60137. Pipeline control room management

§ 60138. Response plans

§ 60139. Maximum allowable operating pressure

§ 60140. Cover over buried pipelines

§ 60141. Standards for underground natural gas storage facilities

§ 60142. Pipeline safety enhancement programs

§ 60143. Idled pipelines