US Code
§ 60124. Biennial reports

(a) Submission and Contents.—Not later than August 15, 1997, and every 2 years thereafter, the Secretary of Transportation shall submit to Congress a report on carrying out this chapter for the 2 immediately preceding calendar years for gas and a report on carrying out this chapter for such period for hazardous liquid. Each report shall include the following information about the prior year for gas or hazardous liquid, as appropriate:(1) a thorough compilation of the leak repairs, accidents, and casualties and a statement of cause when investigated and established by the National Transportation Safety Board.
(2) a list of applicable pipeline safety standards prescribed under this chapter including identification of standards prescribed during the year.
(3) a summary of the reasons for each waiver granted under section 60118(c) and (d) of this title.
(4) an evaluation of the degree of compliance with applicable safety standards, including a list of enforcement actions and compromises of alleged violations by location and company name.
(5) a summary of outstanding problems in carrying out this chapter, in order of priority.
(6) an analysis and evaluation of—(A) research activities, including their policy implications, completed as a result of the United States Government and private sponsorship;
(B) technological progress in safety achieved; and
(C) a summary of each research and development project carried out with Federal and non-Federal entities pursuant to section 12 of the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 and a review of how the project affects safety.
(7) a list, with a brief statement of the issues, of completed or pending judicial actions under this chapter.
(8) the extent to which technical information was distributed to the scientific community and consumer-oriented information was made available to the public.
(9) a compilation of certifications filed under section 60105 of this title that were—(A) in effect; or
(B) rejected in any part by the Secretary and a summary of the reasons for each rejection.
(10) a compilation of agreements made under section 60106 of this title that were—(A) in effect; or
(B) ended in any part by the Secretary and a summary of the reasons for ending each agreement.
(11) a description of the number and qualifications of State pipeline safety inspectors in each State for which a certification under section 60105 of this title or an agreement under section 60106 of this title is in effect and the number and qualifications of inspectors the Secretary recommends for that State.
(12) recommendations for legislation the Secretary considers necessary—(A) to promote cooperation among the States in improving—(i) gas pipeline safety; or
(ii) hazardous liquid pipeline safety programs; and
(B) to strengthen the national gas pipeline safety program.
(b) Submission of One Report.—The Secretary may submit one report to carry out subsection (a) of this section.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 60101. Definitions

§ 60102. Purpose and general authority

§ 60103. Standards for liquefied natural gas pipeline facilities

§ 60104. Requirements and limitations

§ 60105. State pipeline safety program certifications

§ 60106. State pipeline safety agreements

§ 60107. State pipeline safety grants

§ 60108. Inspection and maintenance

§ 60109. High-density population areas and environmentally sensitive areas

§ 60110. Excess flow valves

§ 60111. Financial responsibility for liquefied natural gas facilities

§ 60112. Pipeline facilities hazardous to life and property

§ 60113. Customer-owned natural gas service lines

§ 60114. One-call notification systems

§ 60115. Technical safety standards committees

§ 60116. Public education programs

§ 60117. Administrative

§ 60118. Compliance and waivers

§ 60119. Judicial review

§ 60120. Enforcement

§ 60121. Actions by private persons

§ 60122. Civil penalties

§ 60123. Criminal penalties

§ 60124. Biennial reports

§ 60125. Authorization of appropriations

§ 60126. Risk management

§ 60127. Population encroachment and rights-of-way

§ 60128. Dumping within pipeline rights-of-way

§ 60129. Protection of employees providing pipeline safety information

§ 60130. Pipeline safety information grants to communities

§ 60131. Verification of pipeline qualification programs

§ 60132. National pipeline mapping system

§ 60133. Coordination of environmental reviews

§ 60134. State damage prevention programs

§ 60135. Enforcement transparency

§ 60136. Petroleum product transportation capacity study

§ 60137. Pipeline control room management

§ 60138. Response plans

§ 60139. Maximum allowable operating pressure

§ 60140. Cover over buried pipelines

§ 60141. Standards for underground natural gas storage facilities

§ 60142. Pipeline safety enhancement programs

§ 60143. Idled pipelines