US Code
§ 60127. Population encroachment and rights-of-way

(a) Study.—The Secretary of Transportation, in conjunction with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and in consultation with appropriate Federal agencies and State and local governments, shall undertake a study of land use practices, zoning ordinances, and preservation of environmental resources with regard to pipeline rights-of-way and their maintenance.
(b) Purpose of Study.—The purpose of the study shall be to gather information on land use practices, zoning ordinances, and preservation of environmental resources—(1) to determine effective practices to limit encroachment on existing pipeline rights-of-way;
(2) to address and prevent the hazards and risks to the public, pipeline workers, and the environment associated with encroachment on pipeline rights-of-way;
(3) to raise the awareness of the risks and hazards of encroachment on pipeline rights-of-way; and
(4) to address how to best preserve environmental resources in conjunction with maintaining pipeline rights-of-way, recognizing pipeline operators’ regulatory obligations to maintain rights-of-way and to protect public safety.
(c) Considerations.—In conducting the study, the Secretary shall consider, at a minimum, the following:(1) The legal authority of Federal agencies and State and local governments in controlling land use and the limitations on such authority.
(2) The current practices of Federal agencies and State and local governments in addressing land use issues involving a pipeline easement.
(3) The most effective way to encourage Federal agencies and State and local governments to monitor and reduce encroachment upon pipeline rights-of-way.
(d) Report.—(1) In general.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall publish a report identifying practices, laws, and ordinances that are most successful in addressing issues of encroachment and maintenance on pipeline rights-of-way so as to more effectively protect public safety, pipeline workers, and the environment.
(2) Distribution of report.—The Secretary shall provide a copy of the report to—(A) Congress and appropriate Federal agencies; and
(B) States for further distribution to appropriate local authorities.
(3) Adoption of practices, laws, and ordinances.—The Secretary shall encourage Federal agencies and State and local governments to adopt and implement appropriate practices, laws, and ordinances, as identified in the report, to address the risks and hazards associated with encroachment upon pipeline rights-of-way and to address the potential methods of preserving environmental resources while maintaining pipeline rights-of-way, consistent with pipeline safety.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 60101. Definitions

§ 60102. Purpose and general authority

§ 60103. Standards for liquefied natural gas pipeline facilities

§ 60104. Requirements and limitations

§ 60105. State pipeline safety program certifications

§ 60106. State pipeline safety agreements

§ 60107. State pipeline safety grants

§ 60108. Inspection and maintenance

§ 60109. High-density population areas and environmentally sensitive areas

§ 60110. Excess flow valves

§ 60111. Financial responsibility for liquefied natural gas facilities

§ 60112. Pipeline facilities hazardous to life and property

§ 60113. Customer-owned natural gas service lines

§ 60114. One-call notification systems

§ 60115. Technical safety standards committees

§ 60116. Public education programs

§ 60117. Administrative

§ 60118. Compliance and waivers

§ 60119. Judicial review

§ 60120. Enforcement

§ 60121. Actions by private persons

§ 60122. Civil penalties

§ 60123. Criminal penalties

§ 60124. Biennial reports

§ 60125. Authorization of appropriations

§ 60126. Risk management

§ 60127. Population encroachment and rights-of-way

§ 60128. Dumping within pipeline rights-of-way

§ 60129. Protection of employees providing pipeline safety information

§ 60130. Pipeline safety information grants to communities

§ 60131. Verification of pipeline qualification programs

§ 60132. National pipeline mapping system

§ 60133. Coordination of environmental reviews

§ 60134. State damage prevention programs

§ 60135. Enforcement transparency

§ 60136. Petroleum product transportation capacity study

§ 60137. Pipeline control room management

§ 60138. Response plans

§ 60139. Maximum allowable operating pressure

§ 60140. Cover over buried pipelines

§ 60141. Standards for underground natural gas storage facilities

§ 60142. Pipeline safety enhancement programs

§ 60143. Idled pipelines