(1) Inclusion in the memorial and exclusion from the Coronado National Forest of lots 2 and 7 and a portion of Homestead Entry Survey 310 situated in section 18, township 24 south, range 21 east, Gila and Salt River base and meridian, said portion of Homestead Entry Survey 310 being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner (identified as corner number 1), of Homestead Entry Survey 310, said point being located on the present boundary of Coronado National Memorial and marked by an iron pipe with a brass cap and a rock cairn placed by the United States Bureau of Land Management in 1955; thence north zero degrees thirty-three minutes west, one thousand two hundred ninety-four and twenty-six hundredths feet, more or less, along the west boundary of said tract, which line is also the present boundary of said memorial, to the northeast corner of lot 8, section 18, said point being marked by an iron pipe with a brass cap and a rock cairn placed by the United States Bureau of Land Management in 1955; thence north zero degrees twenty-three minutes east, two hundred thirty and eight-tenths feet, more or less, along the west boundary of Homestead Entry Survey 310 to a point on a circular curve marked by an iron pipe with a National Park Service brass cap, said point being located south eighty-one degrees forty-four minutes east, exactly one hundred forty feet from the point of curvature of said curve; thence southeasterly five hundred forty-eight and two-tenths feet along said circular curve to the right of radius one thousand seven hundred thirty-two and four-tenths feet and having a beginning tangent bearing of south eighty-four degrees three minutes east (from point of curvature to point of intersection), to the point of tangency of said curve; thence south sixty-one degrees sixteen minutes east, two hundred twenty-four and eight-tenths feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right; thence southeasterly two hundred ninety-two and six-tenths feet along said circular curve to the right of radius six thousand twenty-nine and six-tenths feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence south fifty-eight degrees twenty-nine minutes east, five hundred eighty-eight and seven-tenths feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right; thence southeasterly two hundred twenty-five and nine-tenths feet along said circular curve to the right of radius two thousand two hundred nine and nine-tenths feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence south fifty-two degrees thirty-eight minutes east, twenty-eight and eight-tenths feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the left; thence southeasterly two hundred sixteen and nine-tenths feet along said circular curve to the left of radius one thousand six hundred nine and nine-tenths feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence south sixty degrees twenty-one minutes east, thirty and seven-tenths feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right; thence southeasterly seven hundred thirteen and six-tenths feet, more or less, along said circular curve to the right of radius one thousand two hundred fifty-four and nine-tenths feet to a point on the southern boundary line of Homestead Entry Survey 310 marked by an iron pipe with a National Park Service brass cap, said point also being located on the present northern boundary line of Coronado National Memorial; thence north eighty-nine degrees forty-nine minutes west two thousand three hundred and sixty-one feet, more or less, along the southern boundary line of Homestead Entry Survey 310, which line is also the present northern boundary of the said memorial, to the point of beginning (all bearings referred to the true meridian).
(2) Inclusion in the Memorial and exclusion from the Coronado National Forest of lots 5 and 6 in section 20, township 24 south, range 21 east, Gila and Salt River base and meridian.
(3) Exclusion from the Memorial and inclusion in the Coronado National Forest of the north half southwest quarter northwest quarter section 13, and the north half southeast quarter northeast quarter section 14, all in township 24 south, range 20 east, Gila and Salt River base and meridian.
Structure US Code
§ 433a. Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial; establishment
§ 433b. Administration, protection, and development
§ 433c. Acceptance of donations of lands and funds; acquisition of land
§ 433f. Inconsistent laws repealed
§ 433f–1. Change in name of Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial National Monument
§ 433g. Fort Frederica National Monument; establishment
§ 433h. Donation of property; acquisition of lands
§ 433h–1. Acquisition of additional lands
§ 433i. Museum; historical markers
§ 433j. Administration, protection, and development
§ 433k–1. Acquisition of additional land
§ 433l. Erection of monuments and tablets
§ 433m. Authorization of appropriation
§ 433n. Change in name of Whitman National Monument
§ 434. National monument in Riverside County, California
§ 435. Acquiring reservation land
§ 437. Fort McHenry; restoration and preservation
§ 438. Repairs and improvements; how made
§ 439. Land for use of Secretary of the Treasury
§ 440. Closure in times of national emergency
§ 440a. Change in name of Fort McHenry Park
§ 441. Badlands National Park; establishment
§ 441b. Construction of highway by State of South Dakota
§ 441c. Administration, protection, and promotion; franchises for hotel and lodge accommodations
§ 441d. Examinations, excavations, and gathering of objects of interest within park
§ 441e. Effective date of sections 441 to 441d
§ 441e–1. Change in name of Badlands National Monument
§ 441f. Adjustment and redefinition of boundaries
§ 441g. Orders to effectuate revision of boundaries; publication
§ 441h. Jurisdiction of mining and mineral rights; patents
§ 441j. Revision of boundaries
§ 441k. Acquisition of property for park
§ 442. George Washington Birthplace National Monument
§ 444a. Ascertainment of value of lands offered for exchange; evidence of title
§ 445. Canyon De Chelly National Monument; establishment; boundaries
§ 445a. Rights and privileges of Navajo Indians in canyons
§ 445b. Administration by National Park Service; powers and duties
§ 445c. Pipestone National Monument
§ 446. Sites for tablets at Antietam; care and supervision
§ 448. Pioneer National Monument; establishment
§ 449. Acceptance of donations of land and funds; acquisition of land
§ 450. Administration, protection, and development
§ 450a. Chalmette, Louisiana, Monument
§§ 450b to 450e. Repealed. , ,
§ 450e–1. Appomattox Court House National Historical Park
§ 450l. Fort Stanwix National Monument; establishment
§ 450m. Acceptance of donations of lands and funds; acquisition of land
§ 450n. Administration, protection, and development
§ 450o. Andrew Johnson National Historic Site; authorization
§ 450p. Acquisition of property; donations
§ 450q. Administration, protection, and development
§ 450r. Ackia Battleground National Monument; establishment
§ 450t. Administration, protection, and development
§ 450y. Coronado National Memorial; establishment
§ 450y–2. Grazing within memorial area
§ 450y–3. Construction of fences
§ 450y–4. Acquisition of property; donations
§ 450y–5. Revision of boundaries
§ 450y–6. Acquisition of lands; administration
§ 450y–7. Authorization of appropriations
§ 450aa. George Washington Carver National Monument; acquisition of land
§ 450aa–1. Establishment and supervision
§ 450aa–2. Maintenance of museum; construction of roads and use of markers
§ 450bb. Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
§ 450bb–2. Maintenance of museum; acceptance of museum articles; construction of roads, etc.
§ 450bb–3. Acquisition of additional lands
§ 450bb–4. Acceptance and purchase of lands and improvements; payment; exchange of lands
§ 450bb–5. Authorization of appropriations
§ 450bb–6. Change in name of Harpers Ferry National Monument
§ 450cc. Castle Clinton National Monument; establishment
§ 450cc–1. Administration, protection, and development
§ 450dd. De Soto National Memorial; establishment
§ 450ee. Fort Sumter National Monument; establishment
§ 450ff. Fort Vancouver National Historic Site; establishment
§ 450ff–1. Size of site; effective date; additional lands
§ 450ff–2. Administration, protection, and development
§ 450ff–3. Revision of boundaries
§ 450ff–4. Acquisition of lands
§ 450ff–5. Administrative jurisdiction of Federal lands
§ 450ff–6. Change in name of Fort Vancouver National Monument
§§ 450gg to 450gg–3. Repealed. , ,
§ 450hh. Saint Croix Island International Historic Site; establishment; acceptance of land; size
§ 450hh–1. Designation; acquisition of additional lands; lands excluded
§ 450ii. Joshua Tree National Monument; revision of boundaries
§ 450ii–1. Excluded lands opened to entry under mining laws
§ 450ii–2. Continuation of leases, permits, and licenses
§ 450ii–3. Survey and report of mineral value
§ 450jj. Jefferson National Expansion Memorial; authorization
§ 450jj–1. Construction of memorial
§ 450jj–2. Railroad agreement as condition precedent to undertaking memorial project
§ 450jj–3. Designation of additional land by Secretary; manner of acquiring additional land
§ 450jj–6. Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Commission
§ 450jj–7. Development and management plan for East Saint Louis, Illinois, portion of Memorial
§ 450jj–9. Activities in Memorial area pending submission of plan
§ 450jj–10. Designation of Gateway Arch National Park
§ 450kk–1. Establishment; publication in Federal Register; additional properties
§ 450ll. Booker T. Washington National Monument; acquisition of site
§ 450ll–1. Establishment and supervision
§ 450ll–2. Maintenance of museum; provision for parks, construction of roads and use of markers
§§ 450mm to 450mm–3. Repealed. , ,
§ 450nn. General Grant National Memorial; establishment
§ 450oo. Grand Portage National Monument; establishment; effective date
§ 450oo–1. Acceptance of donations of land; instruments of relinquishment; life assignments
§ 450oo–2. Procurement of other lands within monument
§ 450oo–3. Visitor accommodations and services
§ 450oo–4. Employment preferences
§ 450oo–6. Traversing privileges; regulations
§ 450oo–8. Advisory assistance for developments upon adjacent lands
§ 450oo–9. Administration, protection, and development
§ 450oo–10. Reversion upon abandonment
§ 450pp. Roger Williams National Memorial; acquisition of site
§ 450pp–1. Establishment; notice of establishment; administration
§ 450pp–2. Cooperation with city of Providence and local historical and preservation societies
§ 450pp–3. Authorization of appropriations
§ 450rr. R.M.S. Titanic; international maritime memorial; findings and purposes
§ 450rr–3. International guidelines
§ 450rr–4. International agreement
§ 450rr–5. Sense of Congress regarding conduct of future activities
§ 450rr–6. Disclaimer of extraterritorial sovereignty
§ 450ss. Findings and purposes
§ 450ss–2. Oklahoma City National Memorial
§ 450ss–3. Transfer of Memorial property, rights, authorities, and duties