US Code
§ 441n. Lands outside gunnery range; exchange of lands; reservation of mineral rights; grazing and mineral development rights of Indians; execution of instruments; trust title

(a) Exchange of lands; mineral and grazing rightsTitle to all Federal lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of the Badlands Air Force gunnery range that are outside the boundaries of the park, and that are transferred to the administrative jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior as provided in section 441l(a) of this title, including lands hereafter declared to be excess, and that are not selected under sections 441l(b) or 441m of this title, and title to all lands within the boundaries of the park that were acquired by the United States for the Badlands Air Force gunnery range, subject to any life estate conveyed pursuant to section 441m(c) of this title and subject to restrictions on use that may be prescribed in regulations applicable to the park, which regulations may include provisions for the protection of the black-footed ferret, may be conveyed to the Oglala Sioux Tribe in exchange (i) for the right of the United States to use all tribal land within the park for park purposes, including the right to manage fish and wildlife and other resources and to construct visitor use and administrative facilities thereon, and (ii) for title to three thousand one hundred fifteen and sixty-three one-hundredths acres of land owned by the Oglala Sioux Tribe and located in the area of the Badlands Air Force gunnery range which is not excess to the needs of the Department of the Air Force and which is encompassed in civil action numbered 859 W.D. in the United States District Court for the District of South Dakota, if such exchange is approved by the Oglala Sioux Tribal Council. The lands acquired under paragraph (ii) shall become a part of the Badlands Air Force gunnery range retained by the Department of the Air Force. The United States and the Oglala Sioux Tribe shall reserve all mineral rights in the lands so conveyed. The right of the United States to use for park purposes lands that were tribally owned prior to August 8, 1968, shall not impair the right of the Oglala Sioux Tribe to use such lands for grazing purposes and mineral development, including development for oil and gas.
(b) Execution of instrumentsThe Oglala Sioux Tribal Council may authorize the execution of the necessary instruments to effect the exchange on behalf of the tribe, and the Secretary may execute the necessary instruments on behalf of the United States.
(c) Trust titleAfter the exchange is effected the title of the Oglala Sioux Tribe to the property acquired by the exchange shall be held in trust subject to the same restrictions and authorities that apply to other lands of the tribe that are held in trust.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 431. Repealed. , ,

§ 431a. Repealed. , ,

§ 432. Repealed. , ,

§ 433. Repealed. , ,

§ 433a. Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial; establishment

§ 433b. Administration, protection, and development

§ 433c. Acceptance of donations of lands and funds; acquisition of land

§ 433d. Repealed. , ,

§ 433e. Repealed. , ,

§ 433f. Inconsistent laws repealed

§ 433f–1. Change in name of Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial National Monument

§ 433g. Fort Frederica National Monument; establishment

§ 433h. Donation of property; acquisition of lands

§ 433h–1. Acquisition of additional lands

§ 433i. Museum; historical markers

§ 433j. Administration, protection, and development

§ 433k. Whitman Mission National Historic Site; acquisition of land; establishment, supervision and maintenance

§ 433k–1. Acquisition of additional land

§ 433l. Erection of monuments and tablets

§ 433m. Authorization of appropriation

§ 433n. Change in name of Whitman National Monument

§ 434. National monument in Riverside County, California

§ 435. Acquiring reservation land

§ 436. Omitted

§ 437. Fort McHenry; restoration and preservation

§ 438. Repairs and improvements; how made

§ 439. Land for use of Secretary of the Treasury

§ 440. Closure in times of national emergency

§ 440a. Change in name of Fort McHenry Park

§ 441. Badlands National Park; establishment

§ 441a. Boundaries

§ 441b. Construction of highway by State of South Dakota

§ 441c. Administration, protection, and promotion; franchises for hotel and lodge accommodations

§ 441d. Examinations, excavations, and gathering of objects of interest within park

§ 441e. Effective date of sections 441 to 441d

§ 441e–1. Change in name of Badlands National Monument

§ 441f. Adjustment and redefinition of boundaries

§ 441g. Orders to effectuate revision of boundaries; publication

§ 441h. Jurisdiction of mining and mineral rights; patents

§ 441i. Exchanges of land

§ 441j. Revision of boundaries

§ 441k. Acquisition of property for park

§ 441l. Exchange of lands; transfer from Federal agency to administrative jurisdiction of Secretary; terms and conditions of purchase

§ 441m. Disposition of excess gunnery range lands and reservation lands; purchase; terms and conditions; life estates and use restrictions

§ 441n. Lands outside gunnery range; exchange of lands; reservation of mineral rights; grazing and mineral development rights of Indians; execution of instruments; trust title

§ 441o. Facilities for interpretation of park and history of Sioux Nation; conveyance of reservation lands; submission of terms to Congressional committees

§ 442. George Washington Birthplace National Monument

§§ 443 to 443f. Transferred

§ 444. Petrified Forest National Monument; elimination of private holdings of land within boundaries; exchange of lands

§ 444a. Ascertainment of value of lands offered for exchange; evidence of title

§ 445. Canyon De Chelly National Monument; establishment; boundaries

§ 445a. Rights and privileges of Navajo Indians in canyons

§ 445b. Administration by National Park Service; powers and duties

§ 445c. Pipestone National Monument

§ 445d. Acquisition of additional lands, Pipestone School Reserve and non-Federal land; redefining of boundaries; quarry rights of Indians

§ 446. Sites for tablets at Antietam; care and supervision

§ 447. Repealed. , ,

§§ 447a to 447c. Transferred

§ 448. Pioneer National Monument; establishment

§ 449. Acceptance of donations of land and funds; acquisition of land

§ 450. Administration, protection, and development

§ 450a. Chalmette, Louisiana, Monument

§§ 450b to 450e. Repealed. , ,

§ 450e–1. Appomattox Court House National Historical Park

§§ 450f to 450k. Repealed. ,

§ 450l. Fort Stanwix National Monument; establishment

§ 450m. Acceptance of donations of lands and funds; acquisition of land

§ 450n. Administration, protection, and development

§ 450o. Andrew Johnson National Historic Site; authorization

§ 450p. Acquisition of property; donations

§ 450q. Administration, protection, and development

§ 450r. Ackia Battleground National Monument; establishment

§ 450s. Omitted

§ 450t. Administration, protection, and development

§ 450u. Transferred

§ 450v. Omitted

§§ 450w, 450x. Transferred

§ 450y. Coronado National Memorial; establishment

§ 450y–1. Administration

§ 450y–2. Grazing within memorial area

§ 450y–3. Construction of fences

§ 450y–4. Acquisition of property; donations

§ 450y–5. Revision of boundaries

§ 450y–6. Acquisition of lands; administration

§ 450y–7. Authorization of appropriations

§ 450z. Repealed. , ,

§ 450aa. George Washington Carver National Monument; acquisition of land

§ 450aa–1. Establishment and supervision

§ 450aa–2. Maintenance of museum; construction of roads and use of markers

§ 450bb. Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

§ 450bb–1. Administration

§ 450bb–2. Maintenance of museum; acceptance of museum articles; construction of roads, etc.

§ 450bb–3. Acquisition of additional lands

§ 450bb–4. Acceptance and purchase of lands and improvements; payment; exchange of lands

§ 450bb–5. Authorization of appropriations

§ 450bb–6. Change in name of Harpers Ferry National Monument

§ 450cc. Castle Clinton National Monument; establishment

§ 450cc–1. Administration, protection, and development

§ 450dd. De Soto National Memorial; establishment

§ 450dd–1. Administration

§ 450ee. Fort Sumter National Monument; establishment

§ 450ee–1. Repealed. , , .

§ 450ff. Fort Vancouver National Historic Site; establishment

§ 450ff–1. Size of site; effective date; additional lands

§ 450ff–2. Administration, protection, and development

§ 450ff–3. Revision of boundaries

§ 450ff–4. Acquisition of lands

§ 450ff–5. Administrative jurisdiction of Federal lands

§ 450ff–6. Change in name of Fort Vancouver National Monument

§§ 450gg to 450gg–3. Repealed. , ,

§ 450hh. Saint Croix Island International Historic Site; establishment; acceptance of land; size

§ 450hh–1. Designation; acquisition of additional lands; lands excluded

§ 450hh–2. Administration

§ 450ii. Joshua Tree National Monument; revision of boundaries

§ 450ii–1. Excluded lands opened to entry under mining laws

§ 450ii–2. Continuation of leases, permits, and licenses

§ 450ii–3. Survey and report of mineral value

§ 450jj. Jefferson National Expansion Memorial; authorization

§ 450jj–1. Construction of memorial

§ 450jj–2. Railroad agreement as condition precedent to undertaking memorial project

§ 450jj–3. Designation of additional land by Secretary; manner of acquiring additional land

§ 450jj–4. Transfer of land

§ 450jj–5. Administration of Memorial; cooperation with State and local governments and private sector

§ 450jj–6. Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Commission

§ 450jj–7. Development and management plan for East Saint Louis, Illinois, portion of Memorial

§ 450jj–8. Repealed. , ,

§ 450jj–9. Activities in Memorial area pending submission of plan

§ 450jj–10. Designation of Gateway Arch National Park

§ 450kk. Fort Union National Monument; acquisition of site and other lands; reversions and reservations

§ 450kk–1. Establishment; publication in Federal Register; additional properties

§ 450ll. Booker T. Washington National Monument; acquisition of site

§ 450ll–1. Establishment and supervision

§ 450ll–2. Maintenance of museum; provision for parks, construction of roads and use of markers

§ 450ll–3. Additional lands

§§ 450mm to 450mm–3. Repealed. , ,

§ 450nn. General Grant National Memorial; establishment

§ 450oo. Grand Portage National Monument; establishment; effective date

§ 450oo–1. Acceptance of donations of land; instruments of relinquishment; life assignments

§ 450oo–2. Procurement of other lands within monument

§ 450oo–3. Visitor accommodations and services

§ 450oo–4. Employment preferences

§ 450oo–5. Production and sale of handicraft objects; noninterference with trade or business outside monument

§ 450oo–6. Traversing privileges; regulations

§ 450oo–7. Docking facilities

§ 450oo–8. Advisory assistance for developments upon adjacent lands

§ 450oo–9. Administration, protection, and development

§ 450oo–10. Reversion upon abandonment

§ 450pp. Roger Williams National Memorial; acquisition of site

§ 450pp–1. Establishment; notice of establishment; administration

§ 450pp–2. Cooperation with city of Providence and local historical and preservation societies

§ 450pp–3. Authorization of appropriations

§§ 450qq to 450qq–4. Omitted

§ 450rr. R.M.S. Titanic; international maritime memorial; findings and purposes

§ 450rr–1. Definitions

§ 450rr–2. Commendation

§ 450rr–3. International guidelines

§ 450rr–4. International agreement

§ 450rr–5. Sense of Congress regarding conduct of future activities

§ 450rr–6. Disclaimer of extraterritorial sovereignty

§ 450ss. Findings and purposes

§ 450ss–1. Definitions

§ 450ss–2. Oklahoma City National Memorial

§ 450ss–3. Transfer of Memorial property, rights, authorities, and duties

§ 450ss–4. Repealed. , ,

§ 450ss–5. Limitations on funding

§§ 450ss–6, 450ss–7. Repealed. , (i), ,