(a) Designation of Senior Medical Advisor(1) The Secretary of Defense shall designate the Deputy Director of the Defense Health Agency to serve as the Senior Medical Advisor for the Retirement Home.
(2) The Deputy Director of the Defense Health Agency shall serve as Senior Medical Advisor for the Retirement Home in addition to performing all other duties and responsibilities assigned to the Deputy Director of the Defense Health Agency at the time of the designation under paragraph (1) or afterward.
(b) ResponsibilitiesThe Senior Medical Advisor shall provide advice to the Secretary of Defense, the Chief Operating Officer, and the Advisory Council regarding the direction and oversight of—(1) medical administrative matters at each facility of the Retirement Home; and
(2) the provision of medical care, preventive mental health, and dental care services at each facility of the Retirement Home.
(c) DutiesIn carrying out the responsibilities set forth in subsection (b), the Senior Medical Advisor shall perform the following duties:(1) Facilitate and monitor the timely availability to residents of the Retirement Home such medical, mental health, and dental care services as such residents may require at locations other than the Retirement Home.
(2) Monitor compliance by the facilities of the Retirement Home with accreditation standards, applicable nationally recognized health care standards and requirements, or any other applicable health care standards and requirements.
(3) Periodically visit each facility of the Retirement Home to review—(A) the medical facilities, medical operations, medical records and reports, and the quality of care provided to residents; and
(B) inspections and audits to ensure that appropriate follow-up regarding issues and recommendations raised by such inspections and audits has occurred.
(4) Report on the findings and recommendations developed as a result of each review conducted under paragraph (3) to the Chief Operating Officer, the Advisory Council, and the Secretary of Defense.
(d) Advisory bodiesIn carrying out the responsibilities set forth in subsection (b) and the duties set forth in subsection (c), the Senior Medical Advisor may establish and seek the advice of such advisory bodies as the Senior Medical Advisor considers appropriate.
Structure US Code
§ 411. Establishment of the Armed Forces Retirement Home
§ 412. Residents of Retirement Home
§ 413. Services provided to residents
§ 413a. Oversight of health care provided to residents
§ 415. Chief Operating Officer
§ 416a. Resident Advisory Committees
§ 417. Administrators, Ombudsmen, and staff of facilities
§ 418. Periodic inspection of retirement home facilities
§ 419. Armed Forces Retirement Home Trust Fund
§ 420. Disposition of effects of deceased persons; unclaimed property
§ 421. Payment of residents for services
§ 422. Authority to accept certain uncompensated services
§ 423. Preservation of historic buildings and grounds at the Armed Forces Retirement Home—Washington