(a) GAO reportNot later than 1 year after January 5, 2023, and every 2 years thereafter, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a report that includes the results of a study regarding—(1) the incidence of fatal and non-fatal physical assault and sexual assault perpetrated in the preceding 2 calendar years (starting with calendar years 2019 and 2020 for the first study)—(A) against TNC drivers and drivers of other for-hire vehicles (including taxicabs) by passengers and riders of for-hire vehicles; and
(B) against passengers and riders by other passengers and TNC drivers or drivers of other for-hire vehicles (including taxicabs), including the incidences that are committed by individuals who are not TNC drivers or drivers of other for-hire vehicles but who pose as TNC drivers or drivers of other for-hire vehicles;
(2) the nature and specifics of any background checks conducted on prospective TNC drivers and drivers of other for-hire vehicles (including taxicabs), including any State and local laws requiring those background checks; and
(3) the safety steps taken by transportation network companies and other for-hire vehicle services (including taxicab companies) related to rider and driver safety.
(b) Sexual assault definedIn this section, the term “sexual assault” means the occurrence of an act that constitutes any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, Tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.
Structure US Code
Subtitle IV— Criminal Records and Information
§ 41301. Report to Congress on sexual exploitation of children
§ 41302. Acquisition of statistical data on child abuse
§ 41303. Uniform Federal Crime Reporting Act of 1988
§ 41304. Family and domestic violence: data collection and reporting
§ 41305. Hate crime statistics
§ 41306. Report to Congress on banking law offenses
§ 41307. Reporting requirement for missing children
§ 41308. State requirements for reporting missing children
§ 41309. Reporting on human trafficking
§ 41310. Report on theft of trade secrets occurring abroad
§ 41311. Improving Department of Justice data collection on mental illness involved in crime