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§ 41301. Report to Congress on sexual exploitation of children - Beginning one hundred and twenty days after , and every...
§ 41302. Acquisition of statistical data on child abuse - (a) Data acquisition for 1987 and 1988The Attorney General shall...
§ 41303. Uniform Federal Crime Reporting Act of 1988 - (a) Short titleThis section may be cited as the “Uniform...
§ 41304. Family and domestic violence: data collection and reporting - (a) Family violence reportingUnder the authority of section 534 of...
§ 41305. Hate crime statistics - (a) This Act may be cited as the “Hate Crime...
§ 41306. Report to Congress on banking law offenses - (a) In general(1) Data collectionThe Attorney General shall compile and...
§ 41307. Reporting requirement for missing children - (a) In generalEach Federal, State, and local law enforcement agency...
§ 41308. State requirements for reporting missing children - (1) ensure that no law enforcement agency within the State...
§ 41309. Reporting on human trafficking - (a) Trafficking offense classificationThe Director of the Federal Bureau of...
§ 41310. Report on theft of trade secrets occurring abroad - (a) DefinitionsIn this section:(1) DirectorThe term “Director” means the Under...
§ 41311. Improving Department of Justice data collection on mental illness involved in crime - (a) In generalNotwithstanding any other provision of law, on or...
§ 41312. Report on female genital mutilation - (1) an estimate of the number of women and girls...
§ 41313. GAO study on incidence of fatal and non-fatal physical and sexual assault of passengers, TNC drivers, and drivers of other for-hire vehicles - (a) GAO reportNot later than 1 year after January 5,...