(a) Trafficking offense classificationThe Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall—(1) classify the offense of human trafficking as a Part I crime in the Uniform Crime Reports;
(2) to the extent feasible, establish subcategories for State sex crimes that involve—(A) a person who is younger than 18 years of age;
(B) the use of force, fraud or coercion; or
(C) neither of the elements described in subparagraphs (A) and (B); and
(3) classify the offense of human trafficking as a Group A offense for purpose of the National Incident-Based Reporting System.
(b) Additional informationThe Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall revise the Uniform Crime Reporting System 11 So in original. Probably should be “Program”. and the National Incident-Based Reporting System to distinguish between reports of—(1) incidents of assisting or promoting prostitution, which shall include crimes committed by persons who—(A) do not directly engage in commercial sex acts; and
(B) direct, manage, or profit from such acts, such as State pimping and pandering crimes;
(2) incidents of purchasing prostitution, which shall include crimes committed by persons who purchase or attempt to purchase or trade anything of value for commercial sex acts;
(3) incidents of prostitution, which shall include crimes committed by persons providing or attempting to provide commercial sex acts;
(4) incidents of assisting or promoting prostitution, child labor that is a violation of law, or forced labor of an individual under the age of 18 as described in paragraph (1); and
(5) incidents of purchasing or soliciting commercial sex acts, child labor that is a violation of law, or forced labor with an individual under the age of 18 as described in paragraph (2).
Structure US Code
Subtitle IV— Criminal Records and Information
§ 41301. Report to Congress on sexual exploitation of children
§ 41302. Acquisition of statistical data on child abuse
§ 41303. Uniform Federal Crime Reporting Act of 1988
§ 41304. Family and domestic violence: data collection and reporting
§ 41305. Hate crime statistics
§ 41306. Report to Congress on banking law offenses
§ 41307. Reporting requirement for missing children
§ 41308. State requirements for reporting missing children
§ 41309. Reporting on human trafficking
§ 41310. Report on theft of trade secrets occurring abroad
§ 41311. Improving Department of Justice data collection on mental illness involved in crime