US Code
§ 278g–5. Enterprise integration initiative

(a) EstablishmentThe Director shall establish an initiative for advancing enterprise integration within the United States. In carrying out this section, the Director shall involve, as appropriate, the various units of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology laboratories (including the Building and Fire Research Laboratory), the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership program established under sections 278k and 278l of this title, and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program. This initiative shall build upon ongoing efforts of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and of the private sector, shall involve consortia that include government and industry, and shall address the enterprise integration needs of each United States major manufacturing industry at the earliest possible date.
(b) AssessmentFor each major manufacturing industry, the Director may work with industry, trade associations, professional societies, and others as appropriate, to identify enterprise integration standardization and implementation activities underway in the United States and abroad that affect that industry and to assess the current state of enterprise integration within that industry. The Director may assist in the development of roadmaps to permit supply chains within the industry to operate as an integrated electronic enterprise. The roadmaps shall be based on voluntary consensus standards.
(c) Authorized activitiesIn order to carry out this Act, the Director may work with industry, trade associations, professional societies, and others as appropriate—(1) to raise awareness in the United States, including awareness by businesses that are majority owned by women, minorities, or both, of enterprise integration activities in the United States and abroad, including by the convening of conferences;
(2) on the development of enterprise integration roadmaps;
(3) to support the development, testing, promulgation, integration, adoption, and upgrading of standards related to enterprise integration including application protocols; and
(4) to provide technical assistance and, if necessary, financial support to small- and medium-sized businesses that set up pilot projects in enterprise integration.
(d) Manufacturing Extension ProgramThe Director shall ensure that the Manufacturing Extension Program is prepared to advise small- and medium-sized businesses on how to acquire the expertise, equipment, and training necessary to participate fully in supply chains using enterprise integration.

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 271. Findings and purposes

§ 272. Establishment, functions, and activities

§ 272a. Technology services

§ 272b. Annual budget submission

§ 273. Functions; for whom exercised

§ 273a. Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology

§ 274. Director; powers and duties; report; compensation

§ 275. Hiring critical technical experts

§ 275a. Service charges

§ 275b. Charges for activities performed for other agencies

§ 275c. Cost recovery authority

§ 276. Ownership of facilities

§ 277. Regulations

§ 278. Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology

§ 278a. Repealed. , ,

§ 278b. Working Capital Fund

§ 278c. Acquisition of land for field sites

§ 278d. Construction and improvement of buildings and facilities

§ 278e. Functions and activities

§ 278f. Fire Research Center

§ 278g. International activities

§ 278g–1. Education and outreach

§ 278g–2. Post-doctoral fellowship program

§ 278g–2a. Teacher science and technology enhancement Institute program

§ 278g–3. Computer standards program

§ 278g–3a. Definitions

§ 278g–3b. Security standards and guidelines for agencies on use and management of Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–3c. Guidelines on the disclosure process for security vulnerabilities relating to information systems, including Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–3d. Implementation of coordinated disclosure of security vulnerabilities relating to agency information systems, including Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–3e. Contractor compliance with coordinated disclosure of security vulnerabilities relating to agency Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–4. Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board

§ 278g–5. Enterprise integration initiative

§ 278h. Research program on security of computer systems

§ 278h–1. Standards for artificial intelligence

§ 278i. Reports to Congress

§ 278j. Studies by National Research Council

§ 278k. Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership

§ 278k–1. Competitive awards program

§ 278k–2. Expansion awards pilot program

§ 278l. Assistance to State technology programs

§ 278m. Repealed. , ,

§ 278n. Repealed. , ,

§ 278n–1. Emergency communication and tracking technologies research initiative

§ 278n–2. Green manufacturing and construction

§ 278o. User fees

§ 278p. Notice to Congress

§ 278q. Appropriations; availability

§ 278r. Collaborative manufacturing research pilot grants

§ 278s. Manufacturing USA

§ 278t. Advanced communications research activities

§ 279. Absence of Director

§§ 280, 281. Repealed. , ,

§ 281a. Structural failures

§ 282. Repealed. , ,

§ 282a. Assessment of emerging technologies requiring research in metrology

§ 283. Repealed. , , , 656

§ 284. Omitted

§§ 285, 286. Repealed. , ,