US Code
§ 278g–3b. Security standards and guidelines for agencies on use and management of Internet of Things devices

(a) National Institute of Standards and Technology development of standards and guidelines for use of Internet of Things devices by agencies(1) In generalNot later than 90 days after December 4, 2020, the Director of the Institute shall develop and publish under section 278g–3 of this title standards and guidelines for the Federal Government on the appropriate use and management by agencies of Internet of Things devices owned or controlled by an agency and connected to information systems owned or controlled by an agency, including minimum information security requirements for managing cybersecurity risks associated with such devices.
(2) Consistency with ongoing effortsThe Director of the Institute shall ensure that the standards and guidelines developed under paragraph (1) are consistent with the efforts of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in effect on December 4, 2020—(A) regarding—(i) examples of possible security vulnerabilities of Internet of Things devices; and
(ii) considerations for managing the security vulnerabilities of Internet of Things devices; and
(B) with respect to the following considerations for Internet of Things devices:(i) Secure Development.
(ii) Identity management.
(iii) Patching.
(iv) Configuration management.
(3) Considering relevant standardsIn developing the standards and guidelines under paragraph (1), the Director of the Institute shall consider relevant standards, guidelines, and best practices developed by the private sector, agencies, and public-private partnerships.
(b) Review of agency information security policies and principles(1) RequirementNot later than 180 days after the date on which the Director of the Institute completes the development of the standards and guidelines required under subsection (a), the Director of OMB shall review agency information security policies and principles on the basis of the standards and guidelines published under subsection (a) pertaining to Internet of Things devices owned or controlled by agencies (excluding agency information security policies and principles pertaining to Internet of Things of devices owned or controlled by agencies that are or comprise a national security system) for consistency with the standards and guidelines submitted under subsection (a) and issue such policies and principles as may be necessary to ensure those policies and principles are consistent with such standards and guidelines.
(2) ReviewIn reviewing agency information security policies and principles under paragraph (1) and issuing policies and principles under such paragraph, as may be necessary, the Director of OMB shall—(A) consult with the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security; and
(B) ensure such policies and principles are consistent with the information security requirements under subchapter II of chapter 35 of title 44.
(3) National security systemsAny policy or principle issued by the Director of OMB under paragraph (1) shall not apply to national security systems.
(c) Quinquennial review and revision(1) Review and revision of NIST standards and guidelinesNot later than 5 years after the date on which the Director of the Institute publishes the standards and guidelines under subsection (a), and not less frequently than once every 5 years thereafter, the Director of the Institute, shall—(A) review such standards and guidelines; and
(B) revise such standards and guidelines as appropriate.
(2) Updated OMB policies and principles for agenciesNot later than 180 days after the Director of the Institute makes a revision pursuant to paragraph (1), the Director of OMB, in consultation with the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security, shall update any policy or principle issued under subsection (b)(1) as necessary to ensure those policies and principles are consistent with the review and any revision under paragraph (1) under this subsection and paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (b).
(d) Revision of Federal Acquisition RegulationThe Federal Acquisition Regulation shall be revised as necessary to implement any standards and guidelines promulgated in this section.

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 271. Findings and purposes

§ 272. Establishment, functions, and activities

§ 272a. Technology services

§ 272b. Annual budget submission

§ 273. Functions; for whom exercised

§ 273a. Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology

§ 274. Director; powers and duties; report; compensation

§ 275. Hiring critical technical experts

§ 275a. Service charges

§ 275b. Charges for activities performed for other agencies

§ 275c. Cost recovery authority

§ 276. Ownership of facilities

§ 277. Regulations

§ 278. Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology

§ 278a. Repealed. , ,

§ 278b. Working Capital Fund

§ 278c. Acquisition of land for field sites

§ 278d. Construction and improvement of buildings and facilities

§ 278e. Functions and activities

§ 278f. Fire Research Center

§ 278g. International activities

§ 278g–1. Education and outreach

§ 278g–2. Post-doctoral fellowship program

§ 278g–2a. Teacher science and technology enhancement Institute program

§ 278g–3. Computer standards program

§ 278g–3a. Definitions

§ 278g–3b. Security standards and guidelines for agencies on use and management of Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–3c. Guidelines on the disclosure process for security vulnerabilities relating to information systems, including Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–3d. Implementation of coordinated disclosure of security vulnerabilities relating to agency information systems, including Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–3e. Contractor compliance with coordinated disclosure of security vulnerabilities relating to agency Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–4. Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board

§ 278g–5. Enterprise integration initiative

§ 278h. Research program on security of computer systems

§ 278h–1. Standards for artificial intelligence

§ 278i. Reports to Congress

§ 278j. Studies by National Research Council

§ 278k. Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership

§ 278k–1. Competitive awards program

§ 278k–2. Expansion awards pilot program

§ 278l. Assistance to State technology programs

§ 278m. Repealed. , ,

§ 278n. Repealed. , ,

§ 278n–1. Emergency communication and tracking technologies research initiative

§ 278n–2. Green manufacturing and construction

§ 278o. User fees

§ 278p. Notice to Congress

§ 278q. Appropriations; availability

§ 278r. Collaborative manufacturing research pilot grants

§ 278s. Manufacturing USA

§ 278t. Advanced communications research activities

§ 279. Absence of Director

§§ 280, 281. Repealed. , ,

§ 281a. Structural failures

§ 282. Repealed. , ,

§ 282a. Assessment of emerging technologies requiring research in metrology

§ 283. Repealed. , , , 656

§ 284. Omitted

§§ 285, 286. Repealed. , ,