US Code
§ 278g–4. Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board

(a) Establishment and compositionThere is hereby established a 11 So in original. Probably should be “an”. Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board within the Department of Commerce. The Secretary of Commerce shall appoint the chairman of the Board. The Board shall be composed of twelve additional members appointed by the Secretary of Commerce as follows:(1) four members from outside the Federal Government who are eminent in the information technology industry, at least one of whom is representative of small or medium sized companies in such industries;
(2) four members from outside the Federal Government who are eminent in the fields of information technology, or related disciplines, but who are not employed by or representative of a producer of information technology; and
(3) four members from the Federal Government who have information system management experience, including experience in information security and privacy, at least one of whom shall be from the National Security Agency.
(b) DutiesThe duties of the Board shall be—(1) to identify emerging managerial, technical, administrative, and physical safeguard issues relative to information security and privacy;
(2) to advise the Institute, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget on information security and privacy issues pertaining to Federal Government information systems, including through review of proposed standards and guidelines developed under section 278g–3 of this title; and
(3) to report annually its findings to the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Director of the National Security Agency, and the appropriate committees of the Congress.
(c) Term of officeThe term of office of each member of the Board shall be four years, except that—(1) of the initial members, three shall be appointed for terms of one year, three shall be appointed for terms of two years, three shall be appointed for terms of three years, and three shall be appointed for terms of four years; and
(2) any member appointed to fill a vacancy in the Board shall serve for the remainder of the term for which his predecessor was appointed.
(d) QuorumThe Board shall not act in the absence of a quorum, which shall consist of seven members.
(e) Allowance for travel expensesMembers of the Board, other than full-time employees of the Federal Government, while attending meetings of such committees or while otherwise performing duties at the request of the Board Chairman while away from their homes or a regular place of business, may be allowed travel expenses in accordance with subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5.
(f) MeetingsThe Board shall hold meetings at such locations and at such time and place as determined by a majority of the Board.
(g) Staff services and utilization of Federal personnelTo provide the staff services necessary to assist the Board in carrying out its functions, the Board may utilize personnel from the Institute or any other agency of the Federal Government with the consent of the head of the agency.
(h) Definitions As used in this section, the terms “information system” and “information technology” have the meanings given in section 278g–3 of this title.

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 271. Findings and purposes

§ 272. Establishment, functions, and activities

§ 272a. Technology services

§ 272b. Annual budget submission

§ 273. Functions; for whom exercised

§ 273a. Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology

§ 274. Director; powers and duties; report; compensation

§ 275. Hiring critical technical experts

§ 275a. Service charges

§ 275b. Charges for activities performed for other agencies

§ 275c. Cost recovery authority

§ 276. Ownership of facilities

§ 277. Regulations

§ 278. Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology

§ 278a. Repealed. , ,

§ 278b. Working Capital Fund

§ 278c. Acquisition of land for field sites

§ 278d. Construction and improvement of buildings and facilities

§ 278e. Functions and activities

§ 278f. Fire Research Center

§ 278g. International activities

§ 278g–1. Education and outreach

§ 278g–2. Post-doctoral fellowship program

§ 278g–2a. Teacher science and technology enhancement Institute program

§ 278g–3. Computer standards program

§ 278g–3a. Definitions

§ 278g–3b. Security standards and guidelines for agencies on use and management of Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–3c. Guidelines on the disclosure process for security vulnerabilities relating to information systems, including Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–3d. Implementation of coordinated disclosure of security vulnerabilities relating to agency information systems, including Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–3e. Contractor compliance with coordinated disclosure of security vulnerabilities relating to agency Internet of Things devices

§ 278g–4. Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board

§ 278g–5. Enterprise integration initiative

§ 278h. Research program on security of computer systems

§ 278h–1. Standards for artificial intelligence

§ 278i. Reports to Congress

§ 278j. Studies by National Research Council

§ 278k. Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership

§ 278k–1. Competitive awards program

§ 278k–2. Expansion awards pilot program

§ 278l. Assistance to State technology programs

§ 278m. Repealed. , ,

§ 278n. Repealed. , ,

§ 278n–1. Emergency communication and tracking technologies research initiative

§ 278n–2. Green manufacturing and construction

§ 278o. User fees

§ 278p. Notice to Congress

§ 278q. Appropriations; availability

§ 278r. Collaborative manufacturing research pilot grants

§ 278s. Manufacturing USA

§ 278t. Advanced communications research activities

§ 279. Absence of Director

§§ 280, 281. Repealed. , ,

§ 281a. Structural failures

§ 282. Repealed. , ,

§ 282a. Assessment of emerging technologies requiring research in metrology

§ 283. Repealed. , , , 656

§ 284. Omitted

§§ 285, 286. Repealed. , ,