US Code
§ 256c. Forfeiture of property used in hunting, fishing, etc.

All guns, bows, traps, nets, seines, fishing tackle, clothing, teams, horses, machinery, logging equipment, motor vehicles, aircraft, boats, or means of transportation of every nature or description used by any person or persons or organizations within the limits of the park when engaged in or attempting to engage in killing, trapping, ensnaring, taking or capturing such wild birds, fish or animals, or taking, destroying or damaging such trees, plants, or mineral deposits contrary to the provisions of this Act or the rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the Interior shall be forfeited to the United States and may be seized by the officers in the park and held pending prosecution of any person or persons or organization arrested under or charged with violating the provisions of this Act, and upon conviction under this Act of such persons or organizations using said guns, bows, traps, nets, seines, fishing tackle, clothing, teams, horses, machinery, logging equipment, motor vehicles, aircraft, boats, or other means of transportation of every nature and description used by any person or persons or organization, such forfeiture shall be adjudicated as a penalty in addition to the other punishment prescribed in this Act. Such forfeited property shall be disposed of and accounted for by and under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior: , That the forfeiture of teams, horses, machinery, logging equipment, motor vehicles, aircraft, boats, or other means of transportation shall be in the discretion of the Court.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 251. Establishment; boundaries

§ 251a. Additional lands

§ 251b. Exchange of lands

§ 251c. Administration of acquired lands

§ 251d. Applicability to privately owned lands

§ 251e. Boundary revision

§ 251f. Consultation by Secretary with Governor, local officials, and affected landowners; notice to Congressional committees; publication in Federal Register

§ 251g. Land acquisition; study and investigation of use of private lands; transmittal to President and Congress; transfer of lands to Secretary of Agriculture; excluded property within Indian reservation; continuation of concession contracts; termination of concession contracts and purchase of possessory interest; Indian hunting and fishing rights

§ 251h. Property retention rights; compensation at fair market value; “improved property” defined

§ 251i. Land acquisition of privately owned land; report to Congress; condemnation proceedings; compensation

§ 251j. Property retention rights of landowners; use and occupancy improvements; plan to be submitted to Secretary; approval evidenced by issuance of permit and certificate; limitation on acquisition power of Secretary

§ 251k. Economic dislocation in land acquisition; exchange of lands; transfers of land within a national forest; concurrence of Secretary of Agriculture

§ 251l. Retrocession of lands to State; Quileute Indian Reservation jurisdiction; concurrent legislative jurisdiction with State

§ 251m. Authorization of appropriations

§ 251n. Additional boundary revision

§ 252. Disposal of mineral rights

§ 253. Apportionment of income among counties

§ 254. Administration, protection, and development

§ 255. Effect on existing homestead, mineral, etc., entries; revision of boundaries

§ 256. Acceptance of land ceded by State of Washington; assumption of jurisdiction

§ 256a. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 256b. Hunting and fishing; general rules and regulations; protection of property; violation of statutes or rules; penalties

§ 256c. Forfeiture of property used in hunting, fishing, etc.

§§ 256d to 256h. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 256i. Notice to Governor of Washington; application of laws to subsequently accepted lands