US Code
§ 256b. Hunting and fishing; general rules and regulations; protection of property; violation of statutes or rules; penalties

All hunting or the killing, wounding, or capturing at any time of any wild bird or animal, except dangerous animals when it is necessary to prevent them from destroying human lives or inflicting personal injury, is prohibited within the limits of the park, nor shall any fish be taken out of any of the waters of the park, except at such seasons and at such times and in such manner as may be directed by the Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary of the Interior shall make and publish such general rules and regulations as he may deem necessary and proper for the management and care of the park and for the protection of the property therein, especially for the preservation from injury or spoliation of all timber, mineral deposits, natural curiosities, or wonderful objects within the park, and for the protection of the animals and birds in the park from capture or destruction, and to prevent their being frightened or driven from the park; and he shall make rules and regulations governing the taking of fish from the waters in the park. Possession within the park of the dead bodies or any part thereof of any wild bird or animal shall be prima facie evidence that the person or persons having the same are guilty of violating this Act. Any person or persons, stage or express company, railway or other transportation company, who knows or has reason to believe that such wild birds, fish, or animals were taken or killed contrary to the provisions of this Act or the rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the Interior, and who receives for transportation the dead bodies or any part thereof of the wild birds, fish, or animals so taken or killed, or who shall violate any of the other provisions of this Act, or the rules and regulations, with reference to the management and care of the park, or for the protection of the property therein, for the preservation from injury or spoliation of timber, mineral deposits, natural curiosities, or wonderful objects within the park, or for the protection of the animals, birds, and fish in the park, or who shall within the park commit any damage, injury, or spoliation to or upon any building, fence, sign, hedge, gate, guidepost, tree, wood, underwood, timber, garden, crops, vegetables, plants, land, springs, mineral deposits, natural curiosities, or other matter or thing growing or being thereon, or situated therein, shall be deemed guilty of a class B misdemeanor in accordance with provisions of title 18.

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US Code




§ 251. Establishment; boundaries

§ 251a. Additional lands

§ 251b. Exchange of lands

§ 251c. Administration of acquired lands

§ 251d. Applicability to privately owned lands

§ 251e. Boundary revision

§ 251f. Consultation by Secretary with Governor, local officials, and affected landowners; notice to Congressional committees; publication in Federal Register

§ 251g. Land acquisition; study and investigation of use of private lands; transmittal to President and Congress; transfer of lands to Secretary of Agriculture; excluded property within Indian reservation; continuation of concession contracts; termination of concession contracts and purchase of possessory interest; Indian hunting and fishing rights

§ 251h. Property retention rights; compensation at fair market value; “improved property” defined

§ 251i. Land acquisition of privately owned land; report to Congress; condemnation proceedings; compensation

§ 251j. Property retention rights of landowners; use and occupancy improvements; plan to be submitted to Secretary; approval evidenced by issuance of permit and certificate; limitation on acquisition power of Secretary

§ 251k. Economic dislocation in land acquisition; exchange of lands; transfers of land within a national forest; concurrence of Secretary of Agriculture

§ 251l. Retrocession of lands to State; Quileute Indian Reservation jurisdiction; concurrent legislative jurisdiction with State

§ 251m. Authorization of appropriations

§ 251n. Additional boundary revision

§ 252. Disposal of mineral rights

§ 253. Apportionment of income among counties

§ 254. Administration, protection, and development

§ 255. Effect on existing homestead, mineral, etc., entries; revision of boundaries

§ 256. Acceptance of land ceded by State of Washington; assumption of jurisdiction

§ 256a. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 256b. Hunting and fishing; general rules and regulations; protection of property; violation of statutes or rules; penalties

§ 256c. Forfeiture of property used in hunting, fishing, etc.

§§ 256d to 256h. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 256i. Notice to Governor of Washington; application of laws to subsequently accepted lands