US Code
§ 251n. Additional boundary revision

(a) The boundary of Olympic National Park, Washington, is hereby revised to include within the park—(1) all submerged lands and waters of Lake Ozette, Washington, and the Ozette River, Washington;
(2) all surveyed and unsurveyed islands, above the point of lowest low tide, lying off the coast of the State of Washington in the Pacific Ocean between latitudes 48 degrees 23 minutes north and 47 degrees 34 minutes north: Provided, That such lands as are identified in this paragraph shall continue to be open to fishing and to the taking of shellfish in conformity with the laws and regulations of the State of Washington;
(3) those lands between mean high tide and the lowest low tide beginning in section 22, township 24 north, range 13 west Willamette meridian, at the common boundary between the Olympic National Park and the Quinault Indian Reservation, to section 18, township 32 north, range 15 west Willamette meridian, at the common boundary between the Olympic National Park and the Makah Indian Reservation, except those lands directly adjacent to and west of the Hoh, Ozette, and Quillayute Indian Reservations: Provided, That such lands as are identified in this paragraph shall continue to be open to fishing and to the taking of shellfish in conformity with the laws and regulations of the State of Washington; and
(4) approximately nine thousand six hundred and thirty-eight acres, and to exclude from the park approximately three thousand three hundred and fifty-two acres, as generally depicted on the maps entitled “Boundary Modifications, Olympic National Forest and Olympic National Park”, numbered 149/60,030A, sheets 1 through 9, and dated September 1986, which shall be on file and available for public inspection in the office of the National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior.
(b) The boundary of Olympic National Forest, Washington, is hereby revised to include in the national forest approximately three thousand three hundred and fifty-two acres and to exclude from the national forest approximately nine thousand three hundred and twenty-four acres, as generally depicted on the maps entitled “Boundary Modifications, Olympic National Forest and Olympic National Park”, numbered 149/60,030A, sheets 1 through 9, and dated September 1986, which shall be on file and available for public inspection in the office of the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 251. Establishment; boundaries

§ 251a. Additional lands

§ 251b. Exchange of lands

§ 251c. Administration of acquired lands

§ 251d. Applicability to privately owned lands

§ 251e. Boundary revision

§ 251f. Consultation by Secretary with Governor, local officials, and affected landowners; notice to Congressional committees; publication in Federal Register

§ 251g. Land acquisition; study and investigation of use of private lands; transmittal to President and Congress; transfer of lands to Secretary of Agriculture; excluded property within Indian reservation; continuation of concession contracts; termination of concession contracts and purchase of possessory interest; Indian hunting and fishing rights

§ 251h. Property retention rights; compensation at fair market value; “improved property” defined

§ 251i. Land acquisition of privately owned land; report to Congress; condemnation proceedings; compensation

§ 251j. Property retention rights of landowners; use and occupancy improvements; plan to be submitted to Secretary; approval evidenced by issuance of permit and certificate; limitation on acquisition power of Secretary

§ 251k. Economic dislocation in land acquisition; exchange of lands; transfers of land within a national forest; concurrence of Secretary of Agriculture

§ 251l. Retrocession of lands to State; Quileute Indian Reservation jurisdiction; concurrent legislative jurisdiction with State

§ 251m. Authorization of appropriations

§ 251n. Additional boundary revision

§ 252. Disposal of mineral rights

§ 253. Apportionment of income among counties

§ 254. Administration, protection, and development

§ 255. Effect on existing homestead, mineral, etc., entries; revision of boundaries

§ 256. Acceptance of land ceded by State of Washington; assumption of jurisdiction

§ 256a. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 256b. Hunting and fishing; general rules and regulations; protection of property; violation of statutes or rules; penalties

§ 256c. Forfeiture of property used in hunting, fishing, etc.

§§ 256d to 256h. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 256i. Notice to Governor of Washington; application of laws to subsequently accepted lands