US Code
§ 1431e. Distribution of surplus commodities to special nutrition projects; reprocessing agreements with private companies

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever Government stocks of commodities are acquired under the price support programs and are not likely to be sold by the Commodity Credit Corporation or otherwise used in programs of commodity sale or distribution, such commodities shall be made available without charge or credit to nutrition projects under the authority of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.), to child nutrition programs providing food service, and to food banks participating in the special nutrition projects established under section 4004 of this title. Such distribution may include bulk distribution to congregate nutrition sites and to providers of home delivered meals under the Older Americans Act of 1965. The Commodity Credit Corporation is authorized to use available funds to operate the program under this subsection and to further process products to facilitate bonus commodity use. Commodities made available under this section shall include, but not be limited to, dairy products, wheat or the products thereof, rice, honey, and cornmeal.
(2)(A) For each of fiscal years 2008 through 2023, whenever a commodity is made available without charge or credit under any nutrition program administered by the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary shall encourage consumption of such commodity through agreements with private companies under which the commodity is reprocessed into end-food products for use by eligible recipient agencies. The expense of reprocessing shall be paid by such eligible recipient agencies.
(B) To maintain eligibility to enter into, and to continue, any agreement with the Secretary of Agriculture under subparagraph (A), a private company shall annually settle all accounts with the Secretary and any appropriate State agency regarding commodities processed under such agreements.
(C) Whenever commodities are made available to agencies pursuant to section 311(a)(4) 11 See References in Text note below. of the Older Americans Act of 1965, the Secretary shall encourage access to processed end products containing the commodities when in the Secretary’s judgment it is cost effective. The requirements of this subparagraph shall be met in the most efficient and effective way possible. The Secretary may, among other alternatives, use direct purchase, State option contracts authorized under section 3A of the Commodity Distribution Reform Act and WIC Amendments of 1987 (Public Law 100–237; 7 U.S.C. 612c note), State processing programs, and (beginning in fiscal year 1994) agreements with private companies operated as a part of the national commodity processing program.
(D) In each of fiscal years 1992, 1993, and 1994, the Secretary shall conduct a pilot project in not more than three States under which any commodity made available to agencies pursuant to section 311(a)(4) 1 of the Older Americans Act of 1965 that the Secretary determines to be appropriate for reprocessing is made available to the agencies as reprocessed end products. The reprocessing shall be performed pursuant to agreements with private companies, at the expense of the agencies, and operated as part of the national commodity processing program established under subparagraph (A). In determining the appropriateness of the commodities to be reprocessed under the pilot project, the Secretary shall consider the common needs of the agencies and the availability of processors.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 1421. Price support

§ 1421a. Financial impact study

§ 1421b. Costs of production

§ 1421c. Repealed. , ,

§ 1421d. Commodity reports

§ 1422. Increase of price support levels

§ 1423. Adjustments of support prices

§ 1424. Utilization of services and facilities of Commodity Credit Corporation

§ 1425. Producer rights and liabilities

§ 1425a. Producers of honey; loan obligations and liabilities

§ 1426. Repealed. , ,

§ 1427. Commodity Credit Corporation sales price restrictions

§ 1427–1. Quality requirements for Commodity Credit Corporation owned grain

§ 1427a. Reserve inventories for alleviation of distress of natural disaster

§ 1428. Definitions

§ 1429. Determinations of Secretary as final and conclusive

§ 1430. Retroactive effect

§ 1431. Disposition of commodities to prevent waste

§ 1431a. Cotton donations to educational institutions

§ 1431b. Distribution of surplus commodities to other United States areas

§ 1431c. Enrichment and packaging of cornmeal, grits, rice, and white flour available for distribution

§ 1431d. Donations for school feeding programs abroad; student financing; priorities

§ 1431e. Distribution of surplus commodities to special nutrition projects; reprocessing agreements with private companies

§ 1431f. Assistance to foreign countries to mitigate effects of HIV and AIDS

§ 1432. Extension of price support on long staple cotton seeds and products

§ 1433. Repealed. , ,

§ 1433a. Forgiveness of violations; determinations

§ 1433b. Processing of surplus agricultural commodities into liquid fuels and agricultural commodity byproducts

§ 1433c. Advance recourse commodity loans

§ 1433c–1. Advance recourse loans

§ 1433d. Omitted

§ 1433e. Repealed. , ,

§ 1433f. Repealed. , ,

§ 1434. Encouragement of production of crops of which United States is a net importer and for which price support programs are not in effect; authority to plant on set-aside acreage with no reduction in payment rate

§ 1435. Production of commodities for conversion into alcohol or hydrocarbons for use as motor fuels or other fuels; terms and conditions; determinations; payments, etc., for program

§ 1436. Reimbursement of appropriations available for classing or grading agriculture commodities without charge

§ 1436a. Transfer of nonadministrative funds of Commodity Credit Corporation for classing and grading purposes