US Code
§ 1431d. Donations for school feeding programs abroad; student financing; priorities

In any school feeding programs undertaken on and after outside the United States pursuant to , section 308 of Public Law 480 (83d Congress), as amended, and , the Secretary shall receive assurances satisfactory to him that, insofar as practicable, there will be student participation in the financing of such programs on the basis of ability to pay, and such programs shall be undertaken with the understanding that commodities will be available for those programs only in accordance with the provisions of such statutes and that commodities made available under will be available only in accordance with the priorities established in such section.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 1421. Price support

§ 1421a. Financial impact study

§ 1421b. Costs of production

§ 1421c. Repealed. , ,

§ 1421d. Commodity reports

§ 1422. Increase of price support levels

§ 1423. Adjustments of support prices

§ 1424. Utilization of services and facilities of Commodity Credit Corporation

§ 1425. Producer rights and liabilities

§ 1425a. Producers of honey; loan obligations and liabilities

§ 1426. Repealed. , ,

§ 1427. Commodity Credit Corporation sales price restrictions

§ 1427–1. Quality requirements for Commodity Credit Corporation owned grain

§ 1427a. Reserve inventories for alleviation of distress of natural disaster

§ 1428. Definitions

§ 1429. Determinations of Secretary as final and conclusive

§ 1430. Retroactive effect

§ 1431. Disposition of commodities to prevent waste

§ 1431a. Cotton donations to educational institutions

§ 1431b. Distribution of surplus commodities to other United States areas

§ 1431c. Enrichment and packaging of cornmeal, grits, rice, and white flour available for distribution

§ 1431d. Donations for school feeding programs abroad; student financing; priorities

§ 1431e. Distribution of surplus commodities to special nutrition projects; reprocessing agreements with private companies

§ 1431f. Assistance to foreign countries to mitigate effects of HIV and AIDS

§ 1432. Extension of price support on long staple cotton seeds and products

§ 1433. Repealed. , ,

§ 1433a. Forgiveness of violations; determinations

§ 1433b. Processing of surplus agricultural commodities into liquid fuels and agricultural commodity byproducts

§ 1433c. Advance recourse commodity loans

§ 1433c–1. Advance recourse loans

§ 1433d. Omitted

§ 1433e. Repealed. , ,

§ 1433f. Repealed. , ,

§ 1434. Encouragement of production of crops of which United States is a net importer and for which price support programs are not in effect; authority to plant on set-aside acreage with no reduction in payment rate

§ 1435. Production of commodities for conversion into alcohol or hydrocarbons for use as motor fuels or other fuels; terms and conditions; determinations; payments, etc., for program

§ 1436. Reimbursement of appropriations available for classing or grading agriculture commodities without charge

§ 1436a. Transfer of nonadministrative funds of Commodity Credit Corporation for classing and grading purposes