US Code
Part A— General Provisions
§ 1320b–8. Hospital protocols for organ procurement and standards for organ procurement agencies

(a)(1) The Secretary shall provide that a hospital or critical access hospital meeting the requirements of subchapter XVIII or XIX may participate in the program established under such subchapter only if—(A) the hospital or critical access hospital establishes written protocols for the identification of potential organ donors that—(i) assure that families of potential organ donors are made aware of the option of organ or tissue donation and their option to decline,
(ii) encourage discretion and sensitivity with respect to the circumstances, views, and beliefs of such families, and
(iii) require that such hospital’s designated organ procurement agency (as defined in paragraph (3)(B)) is notified of potential organ donors;
(B) in the case of a hospital in which organ transplants are performed, the hospital is a member of, and abides by the rules and requirements of, the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network established pursuant to section 274 of this title (in this section referred to as the “Network”); and
(C) the hospital or critical access hospital has an agreement (as defined in paragraph (3)(A)) only with such hospital’s designated organ procurement agency.
(2)(A) The Secretary shall grant a waiver of the requirements under subparagraphs (A)(iii) and (C) of paragraph (1) to a hospital or critical access hospital desiring to enter into an agreement with an organ procurement agency other than such hospital’s designated organ procurement agency if the Secretary determines that—(i) the waiver is expected to increase organ donation; and
(ii) the waiver will assure equitable treatment of patients referred for transplants within the service area served by such hospital’s designated organ procurement agency and within the service area served by the organ procurement agency with which the hospital seeks to enter into an agreement under the waiver.
(B) In making a determination under subparagraph (A), the Secretary may consider factors that would include, but not be limited to—(i) cost effectiveness;
(ii) improvements in quality;
(iii) whether there has been any change in a hospital’s designated organ procurement agency due to a change made on or after December 28, 1992, in the definitions for metropolitan statistical areas (as established by the Office of Management and Budget); and
(iv) the length and continuity of a hospital’s relationship with an organ procurement agency other than the hospital’s designated organ procurement agency;
except that nothing in this subparagraph shall be construed to permit the Secretary to grant a waiver that does not meet the requirements of subparagraph (A).
(C) Any hospital or critical access hospital seeking a waiver under subparagraph (A) shall submit an application to the Secretary containing such information as the Secretary determines appropriate.
(D) The Secretary shall—(i) publish a public notice of any waiver application received from a hospital or critical access hospital under this paragraph within 30 days of receiving such application; and
(ii) prior to making a final determination on such application under subparagraph (A), offer interested parties the opportunity to submit written comments to the Secretary during the 60-day period beginning on the date such notice is published.
(3) For purposes of this subsection—(A) the term “agreement” means an agreement described in section 273(b)(3)(A) of this title;
(B) the term “designated organ procurement agency” means, with respect to a hospital or critical access hospital, the organ procurement agency designated pursuant to subsection (b) for the service area in which such hospital is located; and
(C) the term “organ” means a human kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas, and any other human organ or tissue specified by the Secretary for purposes of this subsection.
(b)(1) The Secretary shall provide that payment may be made under subchapter XVIII or XIX with respect to organ procurement costs attributable to payments made to an organ procurement agency only if the agency—(A)(i) is a qualified organ procurement organization (as described in section 273(b) of this title) that is operating under a grant made under section 273(a) of this title, or (ii) has been certified or recertified by the Secretary within the previous 2 years (4 years if the Secretary determines appropriate for an organization on the basis of its past practices) as meeting the standards to be a qualified organ procurement organization (as so described);
(B) meets the requirements that are applicable under such subchapter for organ procurement agencies;
(C) meets performance-related standards prescribed by the Secretary;
(D) is a member of, and abides by the rules and requirements of, the Network;
(E) allocates organs, within its service area and nationally, in accordance with medical criteria and the policies of the Network; and
(F) is designated by the Secretary as an organ procurement organization payments to which may be treated as organ procurement costs for purposes of reimbursement under such subchapter.
(2) The Secretary may not designate more than one organ procurement organization for each service area (described in section 273(b)(1)(E) 11 See References in Text note below. of this title) under paragraph (1)(F).

Structure US Code

US Code




Part A— General Provisions

§ 1301. Definitions

§ 1301–1. Omitted

§ 1301a. Omitted

§ 1302. Rules and regulations; impact analyses of Medicare and Medicaid rules and regulations on small rural hospitals

§ 1303. Separability

§ 1304. Reservation of right to amend or repeal

§ 1305. Short title of chapter

§ 1306. Disclosure of information in possession of Social Security Administration or Department of Health and Human Services

§ 1306a. Public access to State disbursement records

§ 1306b. State data exchanges

§ 1306c. Restriction on access to the Death Master File

§ 1307. Penalty for fraud

§ 1308. Additional grants to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa; limitation on total payments

§ 1309. Amounts disregarded not to be taken into account in determining eligibility of other individuals

§ 1310. Cooperative research or demonstration projects

§ 1311. Public assistance payments to legal representatives

§ 1312. Medical care guides and reports for public assistance and medical assistance

§ 1313. Assistance for United States citizens returned from foreign countries

§ 1314. Public advisory groups

§ 1314a. Measurement and reporting of welfare receipt

§ 1314b. National Advisory Committee on the Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth in the United States

§ 1315. Demonstration projects

§ 1315a. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

§ 1315b. Providing Federal coverage and payment coordination for dual eligible beneficiaries

§ 1316. Administrative and judicial review of public assistance determinations

§ 1317. Appointment of the Administrator and Chief Actuary of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

§ 1318. Alternative Federal payment with respect to public assistance expenditures

§ 1319. Federal participation in payments for repairs to home owned by recipient of aid or assistance

§ 1320. Approval of certain projects

§ 1320a. Uniform reporting systems for health services facilities and organizations

§ 1320a–1. Limitation on use of Federal funds for capital expenditures

§ 1320a–1a. Transferred

§ 1320a–2. Effect of failure to carry out State plan

§ 1320a–2a. Reviews of child and family services programs, and of foster care and adoption assistance programs, for conformity with State plan requirements

§ 1320a–3. Disclosure of ownership and related information; procedure; definitions; scope of requirements

§ 1320a–3a. Disclosure requirements for other providers under part B of Medicare

§ 1320a–4. Issuance of subpenas by Comptroller General

§ 1320a–5. Disclosure by institutions, organizations, and agencies of owners, officers, etc., convicted of offenses related to programs; notification requirements; “managing employee” defined

§ 1320a–6. Adjustments in SSI benefits on account of retroactive benefits under subchapter II

§ 1320a–6a. Interagency coordination to improve program administration

§ 1320a–7. Exclusion of certain individuals and entities from participation in Medicare and State health care programs

§ 1320a–7a. Civil monetary penalties

§ 1320a–7b. Criminal penalties for acts involving Federal health care programs

§ 1320a–7c. Fraud and abuse control program

§ 1320a–7d. Guidance regarding application of health care fraud and abuse sanctions

§ 1320a–7e. Health care fraud and abuse data collection program

§ 1320a–7f. Coordination of medicare and medicaid surety bond provisions

§ 1320a–7g. Funds to reduce medicaid fraud and abuse

§ 1320a–7h. Transparency reports and reporting of physician ownership or investment interests

§ 1320a–7i. Reporting of information relating to drug samples

§ 1320a–7j. Accountability requirements for facilities

§ 1320a–7k. Medicare and Medicaid program integrity provisions

§ 1320a–7l. Nationwide program for national and State background checks on direct patient access employees of long-term care facilities and providers

§ 1320a–7m. Use of predictive modeling and other analytics technologies to identify and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse in the Medicare fee-for-service program

§ 1320a–7n. Disclosure of predictive modeling and other analytics technologies to identify and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse

§ 1320a–8. Civil monetary penalties and assessments for subchapters II, VIII and XVI

§ 1320a–8a. Administrative procedure for imposing penalties for false or misleading statements

§ 1320a–8b. Attempts to interfere with administration of this chapter

§ 1320a–9. Demonstration projects

§ 1320a–10. Effect of failure to carry out State plan

§ 1320b. Repealed. , ,

§ 1320b–1. Notification of Social Security claimant with respect to deferred vested benefits

§ 1320b–2. Period within which certain claims must be filed

§ 1320b–3. Applicants or recipients under public assistance programs not to be required to make election respecting certain veterans’ benefits

§ 1320b–4. Nonprofit hospital or critical access hospital philanthropy

§ 1320b–5. Authority to waive requirements during national emergencies

§ 1320b–6. Exclusion of representatives and health care providers convicted of violations from participation in social security programs

§ 1320b–7. Income and eligibility verification system

§ 1320b–8. Hospital protocols for organ procurement and standards for organ procurement agencies

§ 1320b–9. Improved access to, and delivery of, health care for Indians under subchapters XIX and XXI

§ 1320b–9a. Child health quality measures

§ 1320b–9b. Adult health quality measures

§ 1320b–10. Prohibitions relating to references to Social Security or Medicare

§ 1320b–11. Blood donor locator service

§ 1320b–12. Research on outcomes of health care services and procedures

§ 1320b–13. Social security account statements

§ 1320b–14. Outreach efforts to increase awareness of the availability of medicare cost-sharing and subsidies for low-income individuals under subchapter XVIII

§ 1320b–15. Protection of social security and medicare trust funds

§ 1320b–16. Public disclosure of certain information on hospital financial interest and referral patterns

§ 1320b–17. Cross-program recovery of overpayments from benefits

§ 1320b–18. Repealed. , ,

§ 1320b–19. The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program

§ 1320b–20. Work incentives outreach program

§ 1320b–21. State grants for work incentives assistance to disabled beneficiaries

§ 1320b–22. Grants to develop and establish State infrastructures to support working individuals with disabilities

§ 1320b–23. Pharmacy benefit managers transparency requirements

§ 1320b–24. Consultation with Tribal Technical Advisory Group

§ 1320b–25. Reporting to law enforcement of crimes occurring in federally funded long-term care facilities

§ 1320b–26. Funding for providers relating to COVID–19