US Code
Part A— General Provisions
§ 1315a. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

(a) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation established(1) In generalThere is created within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services a Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (in this section referred to as the “CMI”) to carry out the duties described in this section. The purpose of the CMI is to test innovative payment and service delivery models to reduce program expenditures under the applicable subchapters while preserving or enhancing the quality of care furnished to individuals under such subchapters. In selecting such models, the Secretary shall give preference to models that also improve the coordination, quality, and efficiency of health care services furnished to applicable individuals defined in paragraph (4)(A).
(2) DeadlineThe Secretary shall ensure that the CMI is carrying out the duties described in this section by not later than January 1, 2011.
(3) ConsultationIn carrying out the duties under this section, the CMI shall consult representatives of relevant Federal agencies, and clinical and analytical experts with expertise in medicine and health care management. The CMI shall use open door forums or other mechanisms to seek input from interested parties.
(4) DefinitionsIn this section:(A) Applicable individualThe term “applicable individual” means—(i) an individual who is entitled to, or enrolled for, benefits under part A of subchapter XVIII or enrolled for benefits under part B of such subchapter;
(ii) an individual who is eligible for medical assistance under subchapter XIX, under a State plan or waiver; or
(iii) an individual who meets the criteria of both clauses (i) and (ii).
(B) Applicable subchapterThe term “applicable subchapter” means subchapter XVIII, subchapter XIX, or both.
(5) Testing within certain geographic areasFor purposes of testing payment and service delivery models under this section, the Secretary may elect to limit testing of a model to certain geographic areas.
(b) Testing of models (phase I)(1) In generalThe CMI shall test payment and service delivery models in accordance with selection criteria under paragraph (2) to determine the effect of applying such models under the applicable subchapter (as defined in subsection (a)(4)(B)) on program expenditures under such subchapters and the quality of care received by individuals receiving benefits under such subchapter.
(2) Selection of models to be tested(A) In generalThe Secretary shall select models to be tested from models where the Secretary determines that there is evidence that the model addresses a defined population for which there are deficits in care leading to poor clinical outcomes or potentially avoidable expenditures. The Secretary shall focus on models expected to reduce program costs under the applicable subchapter while preserving or enhancing the quality of care received by individuals receiving benefits under such subchapter. The models selected under this subparagraph may include, but are not limited to, the models described in subparagraph (B).
(B) OpportunitiesThe models described in this subparagraph are the following models:(i) Promoting broad payment and practice reform in primary care, including patient-centered medical home models for high-need applicable individuals, medical homes that address women’s unique health care needs, and models that transition primary care practices away from fee-for-service based reimbursement and toward comprehensive payment or salary-based payment.
(ii) Contracting directly with groups of providers of services and suppliers to promote innovative care delivery models, such as through risk-based comprehensive payment or salary-based payment.
(iii) Utilizing geriatric assessments and comprehensive care plans to coordinate the care (including through interdisciplinary teams) of applicable individuals with multiple chronic conditions and at least one of the following:(I) An inability to perform 2 or more activities of daily living.
(II) Cognitive impairment, including dementia.
(iv) Promote 11 So in original. Probably should be “Promoting”. care coordination between providers of services and suppliers that transition health care providers away from fee-for-service based reimbursement and toward salary-based payment.
(v) Supporting care coordination for chronically-ill applicable individuals at high risk of hospitalization through a health information technology-enabled provider network that includes care coordinators, a chronic disease registry, and home tele-health technology.
(vi) Varying payment to physicians who order advanced diagnostic imaging services (as defined in section 1395m(e)(1)(B) of this title) according to the physician’s adherence to appropriateness criteria for the ordering of such services, as determined in consultation with physician specialty groups and other relevant stakeholders.
(vii) Utilizing medication therapy management services, such as those described in section 299b–35 of this title.
(viii) Establishing community-based health teams to support small-practice medical homes by assisting the primary care practitioner in chronic care management, including patient self-management, activities.
(ix) Assisting applicable individuals in making informed health care choices by paying providers of services and suppliers for using patient decision-support tools, including tools that meet the standards developed and identified under section 299b–36(c)(2)(A) of this title, that improve applicable individual and caregiver understanding of medical treatment options.
(x) Allowing States to test and evaluate fully integrating care for dual eligible individuals in the State, including the management and oversight of all funds under the applicable subchapters with respect to such individuals.
(xi) Allowing States to test and evaluate systems of all-payer payment reform for the medical care of residents of the State, including dual eligible individuals.
(xii) Aligning nationally recognized, evidence-based guidelines of cancer care with payment incentives under subchapter XVIII in the areas of treatment planning and follow-up care planning for applicable individuals described in clause (i) or (iii) of subsection (a)(4)(A) with cancer, including the identification of gaps in applicable quality measures.
(xiii) Improving post-acute care through continuing care hospitals that offer inpatient rehabilitation, long-term care hospitals, and home health or skilled nursing care during an inpatient stay and the 30 days immediately following discharge.
(xiv) Funding home health providers who offer chronic care management services to applicable individuals in cooperation with interdisciplinary teams.
(xv) Promoting improved quality and reduced cost by developing a collaborative of high-quality, low-cost health care institutions that is responsible for—(I) developing, documenting, and disseminating best practices and proven care methods;
(II) implementing such best practices and proven care methods within such institutions to demonstrate further improvements in quality and efficiency; and
(III) providing assistance to other health care institutions on how best to employ such best practices and proven care methods to improve health care quality and lower costs.
(xvi) Facilitate inpatient care, including intensive care, of hospitalized applicable individuals at their local hospital through the use of electronic monitoring by specialists, including intensivists and critical care specialists, based at integrated health systems.
(xvii) Promoting greater efficiencies and timely access to outpatient services (such as outpatient physical therapy services) through models that do not require a physician or other health professional to refer the service or be involved in establishing the plan of care for the service, when such service is furnished by a health professional who has the authority to furnish the service under existing State law.
(xviii) Establishing comprehensive payments to Healthcare Innovation Zones, consisting of groups of providers that include a teaching hospital, physicians, and other clinical entities, that, through their structure, operations, and joint-activity deliver a full spectrum of integrated and comprehensive health care services to applicable individuals while also incorporating innovative methods for the clinical training of future health care professionals.
(xix) Utilizing, in particular in entities located in medically underserved areas and facilities of the Indian Health Service (whether operated by such Service or by an Indian tribe or tribal organization (as those terms are defined in section 1603 of title 25)), telehealth services—(I) in treating behavioral health issues (such as post-traumatic stress disorder) and stroke; and
(II) to improve the capacity of non-medical providers and non-specialized medical providers to provide health services for patients with chronic complex conditions.
(xx) Utilizing a diverse network of providers of services and suppliers to improve care coordination for applicable individuals described in subsection (a)(4)(A)(i) with 2 or more chronic conditions and a history of prior-year hospitalization through interventions developed under the Medicare Coordinated Care Demonstration Project under section 4016 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (42 U.S.C. 1395b–1 note).
(xxi) Focusing primarily on physicians’ services (as defined in section 1395w–4(j)(3) of this title) furnished by physicians who are not primary care practitioners.
(xxii) Focusing on practices of 15 or fewer professionals.
(xxiii) Focusing on risk-based models for small physician practices which may involve two-sided risk and prospective patient assignment, and which examine risk-adjusted decreases in mortality rates, hospital readmissions rates, and other relevant and appropriate clinical measures.
(xxiv) Focusing primarily on subchapter XIX, working in conjunction with the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services.
(xxv) Providing, for the adoption and use of certified EHR technology (as defined in section 1395w–4(o)(4) of this title) to improve the quality and coordination of care through the electronic documentation and exchange of health information, incentive payments to behavioral health providers (such as psychiatric hospitals (as defined in section 1395x(f) of this title), community mental health centers (as defined in section 1395x(ff)(3)(B) of this title), hospitals that participate in a State plan under subchapter XIX or a waiver of such plan, treatment facilities that participate in such a State plan or such a waiver, mental health or substance use disorder providers that participate in such a State plan or such a waiver, clinical psychologists (as defined in section 1395x(ii) of this title), nurse practitioners (as defined in section 1395x(aa)(5) of this title) with respect to the provision of psychiatric services, and clinical social workers (as defined in section 1395x(hh)(1) of this title)).
(xxvi) Supporting ways to familiarize individuals with the availability of coverage under part B of subchapter XVIII for qualified psychologist services (as defined in section 1395x(ii) of this title).
(xxvii) Exploring ways to avoid unnecessary hospitalizations or emergency department visits for mental and behavioral health services (such as for treating depression) through use of a 24-hour, 7-day a week help line that may inform individuals about the availability of treatment options, including the availability of qualified psychologist services (as defined in section 1395x(ii) of this title).
(C) Additional factors for considerationIn selecting models for testing under subparagraph (A), the CMI may consider the following additional factors:(i) Whether the model includes a regular process for monitoring and updating patient care plans in a manner that is consistent with the needs and preferences of applicable individuals.
(ii) Whether the model places the applicable individual, including family members and other informal caregivers of the applicable individual, at the center of the care team of the applicable individual.
(iii) Whether the model provides for in-person contact with applicable individuals.
(iv) Whether the model utilizes technology, such as electronic health records and patient-based remote monitoring systems, to coordinate care over time and across settings.
(v) Whether the model provides for the maintenance of a close relationship between care coordinators, primary care practitioners, specialist physicians, community-based organizations, and other providers of services and suppliers.
(vi) Whether the model relies on a team-based approach to interventions, such as comprehensive care assessments, care planning, and self-management coaching.
(vii) Whether, under the model, providers of services and suppliers are able to share information with patients, caregivers, and other providers of services and suppliers on a real time basis.
(viii) Whether the model demonstrates effective linkage with other public sector payers, private sector payers, or statewide payment models.
(3) Budget neutrality(A) Initial periodThe Secretary shall not require, as a condition for testing a model under paragraph (1), that the design of such model ensure that such model is budget neutral initially with respect to expenditures under the applicable subchapter.
(B) Termination or modificationThe Secretary shall terminate or modify the design and implementation of a model unless the Secretary determines (and the Chief Actuary of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, with respect to program spending under the applicable subchapter, certifies), after testing has begun, that the model is expected to—(i) improve the quality of care (as determined by the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) without increasing spending under the applicable subchapter;
(ii) reduce spending under the applicable subchapter without reducing the quality of care; or
(iii) improve the quality of care and reduce spending.
Such termination may occur at any time after such testing has begun and before completion of the testing.
(4) Evaluation(A) In generalThe Secretary shall conduct an evaluation of each model tested under this subsection. Such evaluation shall include an analysis of—(i) the quality of care furnished under the model, including the measurement of patient-level outcomes and patient-centeredness criteria determined appropriate by the Secretary; and
(ii) the changes in spending under the applicable subchapters by reason of the model.
(B) InformationThe Secretary shall make the results of each evaluation under this paragraph available to the public in a timely fashion and may establish requirements for States and other entities participating in the testing of models under this section to collect and report information that the Secretary determines is necessary to monitor and evaluate such models.
(C) Measure selectionTo the extent feasible, the Secretary shall select measures under this paragraph that reflect national priorities for quality improvement and patient-centered care consistent with the measures described in 22 So in original. Probably should be “in section”. 1395aaa(b)(7)(B) of this title.
(c) Expansion of models (phase II)Taking into account the evaluation under subsection (b)(4), the Secretary may, through rulemaking, expand (including implementation on a nationwide basis) the duration and the scope of a model that is being tested under subsection (b) or a demonstration project under section 1395cc–3 of this title, to the extent determined appropriate by the Secretary, if—(1) the Secretary determines that such expansion is expected to—(A) reduce spending under applicable 33 So in original. Probably should be preceded by “the”. subchapter without reducing the quality of care; or
(B) improve the quality of patient care without increasing spending;
(2) the Chief Actuary of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services certifies that such expansion would reduce (or would not result in any increase in) net program spending under applicable subchapters; and
(3) the Secretary determines that such expansion would not deny or limit the coverage or provision of benefits under the applicable subchapter for applicable individuals.
In determining which models or demonstration projects to expand under the preceding sentence, the Secretary shall focus on models and demonstration projects that improve the quality of patient care and reduce spending.
(d) Implementation(1) Waiver authorityThe Secretary may waive such requirements of subchapters XI and XVIII and of sections 1396a(a)(1), 1396a(a)(13), 1396b(m)(2)(A)(iii), and 1396u–4 (other than subsections (b)(1)(A) and (c)(5) of such section) of this title as may be necessary solely for purposes of carrying out this section with respect to testing models described in subsection (b).
(2) Limitations on reviewThere shall be no administrative or judicial review under section 1395ff of this title, section 1395oo of this title, or otherwise of—(A) the selection of models for testing or expansion under this section;
(B) the selection of organizations, sites, or participants to test those models selected;
(C) the elements, parameters, scope, and duration of such models for testing or dissemination;
(D) determinations regarding budget neutrality under subsection (b)(3);
(E) the termination or modification of the design and implementation of a model under subsection (b)(3)(B); and
(F) determinations about expansion of the duration and scope of a model under subsection (c), including the determination that a model is not expected to meet criteria described in paragraph (1) or (2) of such subsection.
(3) AdministrationChapter 35 of title 44 shall not apply to the testing and evaluation of models or expansion of such models under this section.
(e) Application to CHIPThe Center may carry out activities under this section with respect to subchapter XXI in the same manner as provided under this section with respect to the program under the applicable subchapters.
(f) Funding(1) In generalThere are appropriated, from amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated—(A) $5,000,000 for the design, implementation, and evaluation of models under subsection (b) for fiscal year 2010;
(B) $10,000,000,000 for the activities initiated under this section for the period of fiscal years 2011 through 2019; and
(C) the amount described in subparagraph (B) for the activities initiated under this section for each subsequent 10-year fiscal period (beginning with the 10-year fiscal period beginning with fiscal year 2020).
Amounts appropriated under the preceding sentence shall remain available until expended.
(2) Use of certain fundsOut of amounts appropriated under subparagraphs (B) and (C) of paragraph (1), not less than $25,000,000 shall be made available each such fiscal year to design, implement, and evaluate models under subsection (b).
(g) Report to CongressBeginning in 2012, and not less than once every other year thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on activities under this section. Each such report shall describe the models tested under subsection (b), including the number of individuals described in subsection (a)(4)(A)(i) and of individuals described in subsection (a)(4)(A)(ii) participating in such models and payments made under applicable subchapters for services on behalf of such individuals, any models chosen for expansion under subsection (c), and the results from evaluations under subsection (b)(4). In addition, each such report shall provide such recommendations as the Secretary determines are appropriate for legislative action to facilitate the development and expansion of successful payment models.

Structure US Code

US Code




Part A— General Provisions

§ 1301. Definitions

§ 1301–1. Omitted

§ 1301a. Omitted

§ 1302. Rules and regulations; impact analyses of Medicare and Medicaid rules and regulations on small rural hospitals

§ 1303. Separability

§ 1304. Reservation of right to amend or repeal

§ 1305. Short title of chapter

§ 1306. Disclosure of information in possession of Social Security Administration or Department of Health and Human Services

§ 1306a. Public access to State disbursement records

§ 1306b. State data exchanges

§ 1306c. Restriction on access to the Death Master File

§ 1307. Penalty for fraud

§ 1308. Additional grants to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa; limitation on total payments

§ 1309. Amounts disregarded not to be taken into account in determining eligibility of other individuals

§ 1310. Cooperative research or demonstration projects

§ 1311. Public assistance payments to legal representatives

§ 1312. Medical care guides and reports for public assistance and medical assistance

§ 1313. Assistance for United States citizens returned from foreign countries

§ 1314. Public advisory groups

§ 1314a. Measurement and reporting of welfare receipt

§ 1314b. National Advisory Committee on the Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth in the United States

§ 1315. Demonstration projects

§ 1315a. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

§ 1315b. Providing Federal coverage and payment coordination for dual eligible beneficiaries

§ 1316. Administrative and judicial review of public assistance determinations

§ 1317. Appointment of the Administrator and Chief Actuary of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

§ 1318. Alternative Federal payment with respect to public assistance expenditures

§ 1319. Federal participation in payments for repairs to home owned by recipient of aid or assistance

§ 1320. Approval of certain projects

§ 1320a. Uniform reporting systems for health services facilities and organizations

§ 1320a–1. Limitation on use of Federal funds for capital expenditures

§ 1320a–1a. Transferred

§ 1320a–2. Effect of failure to carry out State plan

§ 1320a–2a. Reviews of child and family services programs, and of foster care and adoption assistance programs, for conformity with State plan requirements

§ 1320a–3. Disclosure of ownership and related information; procedure; definitions; scope of requirements

§ 1320a–3a. Disclosure requirements for other providers under part B of Medicare

§ 1320a–4. Issuance of subpenas by Comptroller General

§ 1320a–5. Disclosure by institutions, organizations, and agencies of owners, officers, etc., convicted of offenses related to programs; notification requirements; “managing employee” defined

§ 1320a–6. Adjustments in SSI benefits on account of retroactive benefits under subchapter II

§ 1320a–6a. Interagency coordination to improve program administration

§ 1320a–7. Exclusion of certain individuals and entities from participation in Medicare and State health care programs

§ 1320a–7a. Civil monetary penalties

§ 1320a–7b. Criminal penalties for acts involving Federal health care programs

§ 1320a–7c. Fraud and abuse control program

§ 1320a–7d. Guidance regarding application of health care fraud and abuse sanctions

§ 1320a–7e. Health care fraud and abuse data collection program

§ 1320a–7f. Coordination of medicare and medicaid surety bond provisions

§ 1320a–7g. Funds to reduce medicaid fraud and abuse

§ 1320a–7h. Transparency reports and reporting of physician ownership or investment interests

§ 1320a–7i. Reporting of information relating to drug samples

§ 1320a–7j. Accountability requirements for facilities

§ 1320a–7k. Medicare and Medicaid program integrity provisions

§ 1320a–7l. Nationwide program for national and State background checks on direct patient access employees of long-term care facilities and providers

§ 1320a–7m. Use of predictive modeling and other analytics technologies to identify and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse in the Medicare fee-for-service program

§ 1320a–7n. Disclosure of predictive modeling and other analytics technologies to identify and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse

§ 1320a–8. Civil monetary penalties and assessments for subchapters II, VIII and XVI

§ 1320a–8a. Administrative procedure for imposing penalties for false or misleading statements

§ 1320a–8b. Attempts to interfere with administration of this chapter

§ 1320a–9. Demonstration projects

§ 1320a–10. Effect of failure to carry out State plan

§ 1320b. Repealed. , ,

§ 1320b–1. Notification of Social Security claimant with respect to deferred vested benefits

§ 1320b–2. Period within which certain claims must be filed

§ 1320b–3. Applicants or recipients under public assistance programs not to be required to make election respecting certain veterans’ benefits

§ 1320b–4. Nonprofit hospital or critical access hospital philanthropy

§ 1320b–5. Authority to waive requirements during national emergencies

§ 1320b–6. Exclusion of representatives and health care providers convicted of violations from participation in social security programs

§ 1320b–7. Income and eligibility verification system

§ 1320b–8. Hospital protocols for organ procurement and standards for organ procurement agencies

§ 1320b–9. Improved access to, and delivery of, health care for Indians under subchapters XIX and XXI

§ 1320b–9a. Child health quality measures

§ 1320b–9b. Adult health quality measures

§ 1320b–10. Prohibitions relating to references to Social Security or Medicare

§ 1320b–11. Blood donor locator service

§ 1320b–12. Research on outcomes of health care services and procedures

§ 1320b–13. Social security account statements

§ 1320b–14. Outreach efforts to increase awareness of the availability of medicare cost-sharing and subsidies for low-income individuals under subchapter XVIII

§ 1320b–15. Protection of social security and medicare trust funds

§ 1320b–16. Public disclosure of certain information on hospital financial interest and referral patterns

§ 1320b–17. Cross-program recovery of overpayments from benefits

§ 1320b–18. Repealed. , ,

§ 1320b–19. The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program

§ 1320b–20. Work incentives outreach program

§ 1320b–21. State grants for work incentives assistance to disabled beneficiaries

§ 1320b–22. Grants to develop and establish State infrastructures to support working individuals with disabilities

§ 1320b–23. Pharmacy benefit managers transparency requirements

§ 1320b–24. Consultation with Tribal Technical Advisory Group

§ 1320b–25. Reporting to law enforcement of crimes occurring in federally funded long-term care facilities

§ 1320b–26. Funding for providers relating to COVID–19