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Subchapter A. General Provisions
Section 89.001. Policy - Sec. 89.001. POLICY. The conservation and development of all the...
Section 89.002. Definitions - Sec. 89.002. DEFINITIONS. (a) In this chapter: (1) "Well" means...
Section 89.003. Applicability - Sec. 89.003. APPLICABILITY. The provisions of this chapter do not...
Subchapter B. Duty to Plug Wells
Section 89.011. Duty of Operator - Sec. 89.011. DUTY OF OPERATOR. (a) The operator of a...
Section 89.012. Duty of Nonoperator - Sec. 89.012. DUTY OF NONOPERATOR. If the operator of a...
Subchapter B. -1. Plugging of Certain Inactive Wells
Section 89.021. Applicability - Sec. 89.021. APPLICABILITY. This subchapter does not apply to a...
Section 89.022. Plugging of Inactive Wells Required - Sec. 89.022. PLUGGING OF INACTIVE WELLS REQUIRED. (a) Except as...
Section 89.023. Extension of Deadline for Plugging Inactive Well - Sec. 89.023. EXTENSION OF DEADLINE FOR PLUGGING INACTIVE WELL. (a)...
Section 89.024. Abeyance of Plugging Report - Sec. 89.024. ABEYANCE OF PLUGGING REPORT. (a) An abeyance of...
Section 89.025. Enhanced Oil Recovery Project - Sec. 89.025. ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY PROJECT. (a) For purposes of...
Section 89.026. Fluid Level or Hydraulic Pressure Test - Sec. 89.026. FLUID LEVEL OR HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TEST. (a) Documentation...
Section 89.027. Supplemental Financial Assurance - Sec. 89.027. SUPPLEMENTAL FINANCIAL ASSURANCE. (a) A supplemental bond, letter...
Section 89.028. Escrow Funds - Sec. 89.028. ESCROW FUNDS. (a) Escrow funds described by Section...
Section 89.029. Affirmation Regarding Surface Requirements - Sec. 89.029. AFFIRMATION REGARDING SURFACE REQUIREMENTS. (a) An application for...
Section 89.030. Revocation of Extension of Deadline for Plugging Inactive Well - Sec. 89.030. REVOCATION OF EXTENSION OF DEADLINE FOR PLUGGING INACTIVE...
Subchapter C. Powers and Duties of the Commission
Section 89.041. Determining Proper Plugging - Sec. 89.041. DETERMINING PROPER PLUGGING. If it comes to the...
Section 89.042. Commission Order to Plug - Sec. 89.042. COMMISSION ORDER TO PLUG. (a) If the commission...
Section 89.043. Plugging by Commission - Sec. 89.043. PLUGGING BY COMMISSION. (a) If the commission determines...
Section 89.044. Right to Enter on Land - Sec. 89.044. RIGHT TO ENTER ON LAND. (a) The commission...
Section 89.045. Liability for Damages - Sec. 89.045. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES. The commission and its employees...
Section 89.046. Penalties and Other Relief - Sec. 89.046. PENALTIES AND OTHER RELIEF. The plugging or replugging...
Section 89.047. Orphaned Well Reduction Program - Sec. 89.047. ORPHANED WELL REDUCTION PROGRAM. (a) In this section:...
Section 89.048. Plugging of Well by Surface Estate Owner - Sec. 89.048. PLUGGING OF WELL BY SURFACE ESTATE OWNER. (a)...
Subchapter D. Costs of Plugging Wells
Section 89.081. Cause of Action for Disproportionate Share of Cost - Sec. 89.081. CAUSE OF ACTION FOR DISPROPORTIONATE SHARE OF COST....
Section 89.083. First Lien on Equipment; Cause of Action if Commission Plugs - Sec. 89.083. FIRST LIEN ON EQUIPMENT; CAUSE OF ACTION IF...
Section 89.084. Money Paid Commission by Private Person - Sec. 89.084. MONEY PAID COMMISSION BY PRIVATE PERSON. (a) The...
Section 89.085. Possession and Sale of Equipment to Cover Plugging Costs - Sec. 89.085. POSSESSION AND SALE OF EQUIPMENT TO COVER PLUGGING...
Section 89.086. Claims Against Oil and Gas Regulation and Cleanup Fund - Sec. 89.086. CLAIMS AGAINST OIL AND GAS REGULATION AND CLEANUP...
Section 89.087. Judicial Review of Commission Decisions; Immunity From Suit and Liability - Sec. 89.087. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF COMMISSION DECISIONS; IMMUNITY FROM SUIT...
Section 89.088. Record of Request for Notice by Lienholder or Nonoperator; Form; Fee - Sec. 89.088. RECORD OF REQUEST FOR NOTICE BY LIENHOLDER OR...
Subchapter E. Enforcement; Judicial Review
Section 89.121. Enforcement by Commission - Sec. 89.121. ENFORCEMENT BY COMMISSION. (a) In addition to the...
Section 89.122. Appeal to Courts - Sec. 89.122. APPEAL TO COURTS. Any person affected by the...