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Section 90.001. Ratification - Sec. 90.001. RATIFICATION. The Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and...
Section 90.002. Original Copy - Sec. 90.002. ORIGINAL COPY. The original copy of the compact...
Section 90.003. Representative - Sec. 90.003. REPRESENTATIVE. (a) The governor is the official representative...
Section 90.0031. Annual Report - Sec. 90.0031. ANNUAL REPORT. Before October 1 of each year,...
Section 90.004. Extension - Sec. 90.004. EXTENSION. (a) The continuous extension of the Interstate...
Section 90.005. Form of Agreement - Sec. 90.005. FORM OF AGREEMENT. The agreement to extend the...
Section 90.006. Withdrawal From Compact - Sec. 90.006. WITHDRAWAL FROM COMPACT. (a) The governor may determine...
Section 90.007. Text of Compact - Sec. 90.007. TEXT OF COMPACT. The Interstate Compact to Conserve...