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Section 671.101. Fees - Sec. 671.101. FEES. The authority shall establish and collect rentals,...
Section 671.102. Use of Money - Sec. 671.102. USE OF MONEY. The authority may use the...
Section 671.103. Effect of Authority Action; City Approval - Sec. 671.103. EFFECT OF AUTHORITY ACTION; CITY APPROVAL. (a) Not...
Section 671.104. Ad Valorem Taxes and Bonds Prohibited - Sec. 671.104. AD VALOREM TAXES AND BONDS PROHIBITED. The authority...
Section 671.105. Depository; Order to Disburse - Sec. 671.105. DEPOSITORY; ORDER TO DISBURSE. (a) The treasurer of...
Section 671.106. Audit - Sec. 671.106. AUDIT. (a) At least once a year, the...