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Section 1-26-1 - Definition of terms. - 1-26-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 1-26-1.1 - Interim Rules Review Committee created--Composition--Appointments--Terms of office--Vacancies. - 1-26-1.1. Interim Rules Review Committee created--Composition--Appointments--Terms of office--Vacancies. There is...
Section 1-26-1.2 - Chair of rules review committee--Schedule of meetings--Compensation of members--Secretary. - 1-26-1.2. Chair of rules review committee--Schedule of meetings--Compensation of members--Secretary....
Section 1-26-1.3 - Delegation of duties by director. - 1-26-1.3. Delegation of duties by director. The director may delegate...
Section 1-26-2 - Agency materials available for public inspection--Derogatory materials. - 1-26-2. Agency materials available for public inspection--Derogatory materials. Each agency...
Section 1-26-2.1 - Small business impact statements--Content. - 1-26-2.1. Small business impact statements--Content. An agency shall, when submitting...
Section 1-26-2.3 - Housing cost impact statement--Content. - 1-26-2.3. Housing cost impact statement--Content. Before an agency may promulgate...
Section 1-26-4 - Notice, service, and hearing required--Service on interim rules committee--Waiver of service. - 1-26-4. Notice, service, and hearing required--Service on interim rules committee--Waiver...
Section 1-26-4.1 - Notice of hearing on proposed rule--Contents--Publication--Mailing. - 1-26-4.1. Notice of hearing on proposed rule--Contents--Publication--Mailing. The notice of...
Section 1-26-4.2 - Fiscal note submitted with proposed rule--Fiscal note of bureau--Transmitting copies. - 1-26-4.2. Fiscal note submitted with proposed rule--Fiscal note of bureau--Transmitting...
Section 1-26-4.3 - Rule review by Interim Rules Review Committee before filing--Time limits. - 1-26-4.3. Rule review by Interim Rules Review Committee before filing--Time...
Section 1-26-4.4 - Time for promulgation of rules after passage of legislative authority. - 1-26-4.4. Time for promulgation of rules after passage of legislative...
Section 1-26-4.5 - Validation of prior notices of hearings--Limitation on enforcement of vested rights affected. - 1-26-4.5. Validation of prior notices of hearings--Limitation on enforcement of...
Section 1-26-4.6 - Notices of intent to adopt emergency rules validated--Time for enforcing rights by reason of error in notice--Recordation of notice prerequisite to suit under § 1-26-4.1. . - 1-26-4.6. Notices of intent to adopt emergency rules validated--Time for...
Section 1-26-4.7 - Reversion to step in adoption procedure. - 1-26-4.7. Reversion to step in adoption procedure. The Interim Rules...
Section 1-26-4.8 - Fee increase in proposed rule--Agency financial resource information--Submission to review committee. - 1-26-4.8. Fee increase in proposed rule--Agency financial resource information--Submission to...
Section 1-26-4.9 - Authority of Interim Rules Review Committee. - 1-26-4.9. Authority of Interim Rules Review Committee. The Interim Rules...
Section 1-26-4.10 - Resubmission of amended rule to review committee--Hearing not required. - 1-26-4.10. Resubmission of amended rule to review committee--Hearing not required....
Section 1-26-5 - Notice of proposed emergency rule--Service--Use of emergency rule adoption procedure. - 1-26-5. Notice of proposed emergency rule--Service--Use of emergency rule adoption...
Section 1-26-5.1 - Temporary suspension by emergency rule--Reversion of amended rule to original form. - 1-26-5.1. Temporary suspension by emergency rule--Reversion of amended rule to...
Section 1-26-6 - Completion of adoption of rule or change in rules. - 1-26-6. Completion of adoption of rule or change in rules....
Section 1-26-6.1 - Restriction on incorporation of statutory material. - 1-26-6.1. Restriction on incorporation of statutory material. An agency may...
Section 1-26-6.2 - Uniform style for rules--Required contents. - 1-26-6.2. Uniform style for rules--Required contents. The director shall prescribe...
Section 1-26-6.3 - Notice that rules do not conform--Redrafting and filing required. - 1-26-6.3. Notice that rules do not conform--Redrafting and filing required....
Section 1-26-6.5 - Review by director--Notice to agency of need for change. - 1-26-6.5. Review by director--Notice to agency of need for change....
Section 1-26-6.6 - Incorporation by reference to generally available materials--Description--Reference note--Identification of agency and rule. - 1-26-6.6. Incorporation by reference to generally available materials--Description--Reference note--Identification of...
Section 1-26-6.7 - Procedure for amendment, suspension or repeal of rules. - 1-26-6.7. Procedure for amendment, suspension or repeal of rules. Once...
Section 1-26-6.8 - Rules unenforceable until properly adopted. - 1-26-6.8. Rules unenforceable until properly adopted. No agency rule may...
Section 1-26-6.9 - Licensing board or commission fees--Criteria and limitation. - 1-26-6.9. Licensing board or commission fees--Criteria and limitation. If a...
Section 1-26-6.10 - Restriction of licensee's right or privilege to carry or possess pistol prohibited. - 1-26-6.10. Restriction of licensee's right or privilege to carry or...
Section 1-26-7 - Records retained--Copies--Public inspection of current rules. - 1-26-7. Records retained--Copies--Public inspection of current rules. Each agency shall...
Section 1-26-7.1 - Agency's statement of reasons for adoption or rejection of rule. - 1-26-7.1. Agency's statement of reasons for adoption or rejection of...
Section 1-26-8 - Effective date of rules--Emergency rules. - 1-26-8. Effective date of rules--Emergency rules. Each rule is effective...
Section 1-26-8.2 - Petition for delay in effective date of rule--Grant or denial--Maximum delay--Filings--One delay--Repeal of rule. - 1-26-8.2. Petition for delay in effective date of rule--Grant or...
Section 1-26-8.3 - Retroactive effect of rule--Burden of proving authority or necessity. - 1-26-8.3. Retroactive effect of rule--Burden of proving authority or necessity....
Section 1-26-11 - Pamphlet publication of rules--Supervision. - 1-26-11. Pamphlet publication of rules--Supervision. Each agency promulgating professional or...
Section 1-26-12 - Distribution and sale of publications and copies of rules. - 1-26-12. Distribution and sale of publications and copies of rules....
Section 1-26-12.1 - List of rules and organizational statements. - 1-26-12.1. List of rules and organizational statements. To assist interested...
Section 1-26-13 - Petition for rules--Denial or initiation of proceedings--Copies to Interim Rules Committee and director. - 1-26-13. Petition for rules--Denial or initiation of proceedings--Copies to Interim...
Section 1-26-13.1 - Service complete when deposited in mail. - 1-26-13.1. Service complete when deposited in mail. Notwithstanding §15-6-6(e), any...
Section 1-26-14 - Declaratory judgment on rules. - 1-26-14. Declaratory judgment on rules. The validity or applicability of...
Section 1-26-15 - Declaratory rulings by agencies. - 1-26-15. Declaratory rulings by agencies. Each agency shall provide by...
Section 1-26-16 - Notice and hearing required in contested cases. - 1-26-16. Notice and hearing required in contested cases. In a...
Section 1-26-17 - Contents of notice in contested cases. - 1-26-17. Contents of notice in contested cases. The notice shall...
Section 1-26-17.1 - Intervention in contested case by person with pecuniary interests. - 1-26-17.1. Intervention in contested case by person with pecuniary interests....
Section 1-26-18 - Rights of parties at hearings on contested cases--Summary disposition of certain cases. - 1-26-18. Rights of parties at hearings on contested cases--Summary disposition...
Section 1-26-18.3 - Request to use Office of Hearing Examiners in certain contested cases. - 1-26-18.3. Request to use Office of Hearing Examiners in certain...
Section 1-26-19 - Rules of evidence in contested cases. - 1-26-19. Rules of evidence in contested cases. In contested cases:...
Section 1-26-19.1 - Administration of oaths--Subpoena powers--Witness fees--Disobedience of subpoena. - 1-26-19.1. Administration of oaths--Subpoena powers--Witness fees--Disobedience of subpoena. Each agency...
Section 1-26-19.2 - Depositions of witnesses. - 1-26-19.2. Depositions of witnesses. Each agency and the officers thereof...
Section 1-26-20 - Agreed disposition of contested cases. - 1-26-20. Agreed disposition of contested cases. Unless precluded by law,...
Section 1-26-21 - Contents of record in contested cases. - 1-26-21. Contents of record in contested cases. The record in...
Section 1-26-22 - Transcript in contested cases--Minutes in lieu of transcript. - 1-26-22. Transcript in contested cases--Minutes in lieu of transcript. Whenever...
Section 1-26-23 - Basis for findings in contested cases. - 1-26-23. Basis for findings in contested cases. Findings of fact...
Section 1-26-24 - Tentative or proposed decision served on parties--Contents--Waiver. - 1-26-24. Tentative or proposed decision served on parties--Contents--Waiver. When in...
Section 1-26-25 - Form, contents and notice of decisions, orders and findings. - 1-26-25. Form, contents and notice of decisions, orders and findings....
Section 1-26-26 - Ex parte communications by agency personnel in contested cases--Investigating officer disqualified from decision making--Authorized communications. - 1-26-26. Ex parte communications by agency personnel in contested cases--Investigating...
Section 1-26-27 - License proceeding treated as contested case. - 1-26-27. License proceeding treated as contested case. When the grant,...
Section 1-26-28 - Extension of existing license or right to continue activity extended during renewal or licensing proceedings and for ten days following notice of determination. - 1-26-28. Extension of existing license or right to continue activity...
Section 1-26-29 - Notice and hearing required for revocation or suspension of license--Emergency suspension. - 1-26-29. Notice and hearing required for revocation or suspension of...
Section 1-26-29.1 - Costs of disciplinary hearing. - 1-26-29.1. Costs of disciplinary hearing. After conducting a contested case...
Section 1-26-30 - Right to judicial review of contested cases--Preliminary agency actions. - 1-26-30. Right to judicial review of contested cases--Preliminary agency actions....
Section 1-26-30.1 - Right of appeal when agency fails to act in contested case. - 1-26-30.1. Right of appeal when agency fails to act in...
Section 1-26-30.2 - Appeal from final action in contested case. - 1-26-30.2. Appeal from final action in contested case. An appeal...
Section 1-26-30.3 - Conduct of appeals. - 1-26-30.3. Conduct of appeals. Notwithstanding any other provision of law,...
Section 1-26-30.4 - Scope of sections on appeals to circuit courts. - 1-26-30.4. Scope of sections on appeals to circuit courts. The...
Section 1-26-30.5 - Suspension of sections on appeals to circuit courts. - 1-26-30.5. Suspension of sections on appeals to circuit courts. In...
Section 1-26-31 - Notice of appeal--Time for service and filing. - 1-26-31. Notice of appeal--Time for service and filing. An appeal...
Section 1-26-31.1 - Venue of appeal. - 1-26-31.1. Venue of appeal. The venue of the appeal is...
Section 1-26-31.2 - Contents of notice of appeal. - 1-26-31.2. Contents of notice of appeal. The notice of appeal...
Section 1-26-31.3 - Change of venue. - 1-26-31.3. Change of venue. The circuit court to which the...
Section 1-26-31.4 - Contested cases--Statement of issues on appeal. - 1-26-31.4. Contested cases--Statement of issues on appeal. Within ten days...
Section 1-26-32 - When agency decision in contested case becomes effective--Application for stay pending appeal--Time--Granting of further stay--Security or other supervision--Inapplicability to determinations of benefits under Title 61. - 1-26-32. When agency decision in contested case becomes effective--Application for...
Section 1-26-32.1 - Procedural rules applied. - 1-26-32.1. Procedural rules applied. The sections of Title 15 relating...
Section 1-26-32.2 - Request for transcript--Waiver by failure to request. - 1-26-32.2. Request for transcript--Waiver by failure to request. Within ten...
Section 1-26-32.3 - Costs of transcript--Endorsement of order by reporter--Extension of time for transcript. - 1-26-32.3. Costs of transcript--Endorsement of order by reporter--Extension of time...
Section 1-26-32.4 - Form of transcript--Number of copies--Certification. - 1-26-32.4. Form of transcript--Number of copies--Certification. The original transcript of...
Section 1-26-33 - Record transmitted to circuit court--Limitation of record--Corrections and additions. - 1-26-33. Record transmitted to circuit court--Limitation of record--Corrections and additions....
Section 1-26-33.2 - Time for serving briefs. - 1-26-33.2. Time for serving briefs. Unless otherwise ordered by the...
Section 1-26-33.3 - Brief of appellant--Contents. - 1-26-33.3. Brief of appellant--Contents. The brief of the appellant shall...
Section 1-26-33.4 - Brief of appellee--Contents. - 1-26-33.4. Brief of appellee--Contents. The brief of the appellee shall...
Section 1-26-33.6 - Speedy hearing and determination. - 1-26-33.6. Speedy hearing and determination. Upon the filing of the...
Section 1-26-34 - Circuit court may order agency to take additional evidence. - 1-26-34. Circuit court may order agency to take additional evidence....
Section 1-26-35 - Nonjury review in circuit court--Proof of irregularities--Oral argument discretionary. - 1-26-35. Nonjury review in circuit court--Proof of irregularities--Oral argument discretionary....
Section 1-26-36 - Weight given to agency findings--Disposition of case--Grounds for reversal or modification--Findings and conclusions--Costs. - 1-26-36. Weight given to agency findings--Disposition of case--Grounds for reversal...
Section 1-26-36.1 - Appellee's right to obtain review. - 1-26-36.1. Appellee's right to obtain review. An appellee may obtain...
Section 1-26-37 - Appeal to Supreme Court. - 1-26-37. Appeal to Supreme Court. An aggrieved party or the...
Section 1-26-38 - Suspension of provisional rules by interim committee--Hearing on suspension--Filing and duration of suspension. - 1-26-38. Suspension of provisional rules by interim committee--Hearing on suspension--Filing...
Section 1-26-38.1 - Amendment as provisional--Subject to suspension--Effect. - 1-26-38.1. Amendment as provisional--Subject to suspension--Effect. If an agency amends...
Section 1-26-40 - Severability of provisions. - 1-26-40. Severability of provisions. If any provision of this chapter...
Section 1-26-41 - Citation of chapter. - 1-26-41. Citation of chapter. This chapter may be cited as...