62-9-2. Definition of terms.
Terms used in this chapter mean:
(1)"Occupational loss of hearing," a permanent sensorineural loss of hearing caused by prolonged exposure to excessive noise in the working environment;
(2)"Excessive noise," sound in the working environment capable of producing occupational loss of hearing. Sound of an intensity of less than ninety decibels, "A scale, slow response', is considered incapable of producing occupational hearing losses as defined in this chapter. Regular exposure to the noise levels set forth below for periods less than those described for such levels does not constitute an exposure to excessive noise:
Source: SL 1986, ch 427, ยง2.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 62 - Workers' Compensation
Chapter 09 - Compensation For Permanent Loss Of Hearing
Section 62-9-1 - Compensation for permanent occupational hearing loss.
Section 62-9-2 - Definition of terms.
Section 62-9-3 - Calculation of hearing loss--What loss is compensable.
Section 62-9-4 - Hearing loss to be determined on binaural basis--How calculated.
Section 62-9-5 - Deductions from total average decibel loss.
Section 62-9-6 - Amount of compensation payable for total or partial hearing loss.
Section 62-9-7 - No benefits for temporary total or partial disability or for tinnitus.
Section 62-9-11 - Effect of hearing aid use on compensation--Provision of hearing aid by employer.
Section 62-9-14 - Compensability of hearing loss caused by explosion or trauma.