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Section 62-9-1 - Compensation for permanent occupational hearing loss. - 62-9-1. Compensation for permanent occupational hearing loss. Permanent hearing loss...
Section 62-9-2 - Definition of terms. - 62-9-2. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 62-9-3 - Calculation of hearing loss--What loss is compensable. - 62-9-3. Calculation of hearing loss--What loss is compensable. The percentage...
Section 62-9-4 - Hearing loss to be determined on binaural basis--How calculated. - 62-9-4. Hearing loss to be determined on binaural basis--How calculated....
Section 62-9-5 - Deductions from total average decibel loss. - 62-9-5. Deductions from total average decibel loss. Before determining the...
Section 62-9-6 - Amount of compensation payable for total or partial hearing loss. - 62-9-6. Amount of compensation payable for total or partial hearing...
Section 62-9-7 - No benefits for temporary total or partial disability or for tinnitus. - 62-9-7. No benefits for temporary total or partial disability or...
Section 62-9-8 - No benefits where employee fails to regularly use employer-provided protection devices. - 62-9-8. No benefits where employee fails to regularly use employer-provided...
Section 62-9-9 - What employer is liable for compensation--Duration of exposure required for compensability. - 62-9-9. What employer is liable for compensation--Duration of exposure required...
Section 62-9-10 - Liability for pre-employment and nonoccupational losses--Loss prior to July 1, 1974. - 62-9-10. Liability for pre-employment and nonoccupational losses--Loss prior to July...
Section 62-9-11 - Effect of hearing aid use on compensation--Provision of hearing aid by employer. - 62-9-11. Effect of hearing aid use on compensation--Provision of hearing...
Section 62-9-12 - Removal from exposure for six-month period prerequisite to filing of claim--Limitation period applicable to claims--How claims to be filed. - 62-9-12. Removal from exposure for six-month period prerequisite to filing...
Section 62-9-14 - Compensability of hearing loss caused by explosion or trauma. - 62-9-14. Compensability of hearing loss caused by explosion or trauma....
Section 62-9-15 - Applicability of Title 62. - 62-9-15. Applicability of Title 62. All provisions of this title...