South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 11 - Wages, Hours And Conditions Of Employment
Section 60-11-14 - Provisions applicable to cash wages only.

60-11-14. Provisions applicable to cash wages only.
Sections 60-11-8 to 60-11-23, inclusive, do not apply to any form of compensation other than cash wages owing to any employee by or on behalf of any employer.

Source: SL 1971, ch 274, §15; SL 2008, ch 276, §83.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 60 - Labor and Employment

Chapter 11 - Wages, Hours And Conditions Of Employment

Section 60-11-1 - Manufacturing or mechanical occupations--Hours of labor.

Section 60-11-2 - Requiring employee to pay cost of medical examination prohibited--Misdemeanor--Employer and employee defined.

Section 60-11-3 - Minimum wage--Misdemeanor--Certain employees excluded.

Section 60-11-3.1 - Minimum wage for tipped employees--Tips credited toward minimum wage--Certain persons excluded.

Section 60-11-3.2 - Annual minimum wage adjustment.

Section 60-11-4 - Minimum wage--Agreement to work for less ineffective.

Section 60-11-4.1 - Opportunity wage allowed.

Section 60-11-5 - Exemptions from minimum wage provisions.

Section 60-11-7 - Liability of employer for double damages for breach of obligation to pay wages.

Section 60-11-8 - Employers subject to wage payment requirements.

Section 60-11-9 - Monthly wage payments required--Agreed pay day--Form of payment.

Section 60-11-10 - Prompt payment of wages due on separation by employer--Withholding for return of employer's property.

Section 60-11-11 - Payment on regular pay day after resignation by employee--Withholding for return of employer's property.

Section 60-11-12 - Payment on regular pay day during labor dispute--Return of deposit for faithful performance.

Section 60-11-13 - Payment of conceded wages when amount in dispute--Acceptance not a release of balance.

Section 60-11-14 - Provisions applicable to cash wages only.

Section 60-11-15 - Employer's intentional refusal to pay wages--Misdemeanor.

Section 60-11-16 - Fraudulent claim by employee--Misdemeanor.

Section 60-11-17 - Department to investigate and prosecute violations--Hearings--Access to employer's records.

Section 60-11-17.1 - Reprisals because of wage complaints or proceedings prohibited.

Section 60-11-18 - Department may take assignment of employees' claims-- Prosecution--Joinder of actions.

Section 60-11-19 - Assignment of employees' claims in trust to department--Prosecution--Settlement and adjustment.

Section 60-11-20 - Promulgation of rules.

Section 60-11-21 - Reciprocal agreements with other states for enforcement of wage claims.

Section 60-11-22 - Maintenance of actions outside state by department--Assignment to other state for collection.

Section 60-11-23 - Actions in South Dakota on claims arising in other states--Reciprocation required.

Section 60-11-24 - Action removed by defendant--Plaintiff's costs and attorney fees.