47-29-6. Directors required to be members.
Each director of a cemetery corporation shall be a member of the cemetery corporation.
Source: SDC 1939, §11.1903; SL 1983, ch 329, §2.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 29 - Cemetery Corporations
Section 47-29-1 - Cemetery corporations authorized--Nonprofit corporation law as applicable.
Section 47-29-4 - Quorum of members--Proxies counted.
Section 47-29-6 - Directors required to be members.
Section 47-29-7 - Grounds previously used for burial--Lot owners as members of corporation.
Section 47-29-10 - Other laws applicable to nonperpetual care cemeteries.
Section 47-29-12 - Additional holdings of real property--Sale of additional holdings.
Section 47-29-13 - Surveying and platting of cemetery grounds--Recordation--Lot numbering.
Section 47-29-14 - Sale of unplatted and unused ground.
Section 47-29-17 - Order granting or denying petition--Order as conclusive absent appeal.
Section 47-29-18 - Judgment as vacating plat or survey--Replatting.
Section 47-29-20 - Improvements on cemetery lands--Prohibited uses.
Section 47-29-21 - Authorization to hold personal property.
Section 47-29-24 - Percentage of proceeds used to pay debts.
Section 47-29-26 - Validation of previous cemetery lot deeds.