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Section 47-29-1 - Cemetery corporations authorized--Nonprofit corporation law as applicable. - 47-29-1. Cemetery corporations authorized--Nonprofit corporation law as applicable. Incorporations for...
Section 47-29-2 - Permissible bylaw provisions--General management--Conformity with other corporation law. - 47-29-2. Permissible bylaw provisions--General management--Conformity with other corporation law. Cemetery...
Section 47-29-3 - Cemetery lot owners as members of corporation--Vote--Jointly owned lots--Proxy voting. - 47-29-3. Cemetery lot owners as members of corporation--Vote--Jointly owned lots--Proxy...
Section 47-29-4 - Quorum of members--Proxies counted. - 47-29-4. Quorum of members--Proxies counted. Five members of a cemetery...
Section 47-29-5 - Notice of election of directors--Publication of notice--Time of publication--Notice of other meetings. - 47-29-5. Notice of election of directors--Publication of notice--Time of publication--Notice...
Section 47-29-6 - Directors required to be members. - 47-29-6. Directors required to be members. Each director of a...
Section 47-29-7 - Grounds previously used for burial--Lot owners as members of corporation. - 47-29-7. Grounds previously used for burial--Lot owners as members of...
Section 47-29-8 - Transfer of lot to individual owner for burial--Succession to ownership of lot--Joint owners. - 47-29-8. Transfer of lot to individual owner for burial--Succession to...
Section 47-29-9 - Failure to inter or care for lot or mausoleum--Resale of lot--Transfer of mausoleum to municipality--Notice required. - 47-29-9. Failure to inter or care for lot or mausoleum--Resale...
Section 47-29-10 - Other laws applicable to nonperpetual care cemeteries. - 47-29-10. Other laws applicable to nonperpetual care cemeteries. Any nonperpetual...
Section 47-29-11 - Power of corporation to hold real estate--Maximum holdings--Platting and sale of lots. - 47-29-11. Power of corporation to hold real estate--Maximum holdings--Platting and...
Section 47-29-12 - Additional holdings of real property--Sale of additional holdings. - 47-29-12. Additional holdings of real property--Sale of additional holdings. Any...
Section 47-29-13 - Surveying and platting of cemetery grounds--Recordation--Lot numbering. - 47-29-13. Surveying and platting of cemetery grounds--Recordation--Lot numbering. A cemetery...
Section 47-29-14 - Sale of unplatted and unused ground. - 47-29-14. Sale of unplatted and unused ground. Any cemetery association...
Section 47-29-15 - Sale of platted but unused, unsold and unneeded ground--Determination by governing body of corporation--Confirmation. - 47-29-15. Sale of platted but unused, unsold and unneeded ground--Determination...
Section 47-29-16 - Circuit court petition for confirmation--Contents of petition--Hearing--Notice of hearing--Method of notice--Including multiple tracts in petition. - 47-29-16. Circuit court petition for confirmation--Contents of petition--Hearing--Notice of hearing--Method...
Section 47-29-17 - Order granting or denying petition--Order as conclusive absent appeal. - 47-29-17. Order granting or denying petition--Order as conclusive absent appeal....
Section 47-29-18 - Judgment as vacating plat or survey--Replatting. - 47-29-18. Judgment as vacating plat or survey--Replatting. Judgment granting a...
Section 47-29-19 - Extension of cemetery boundaries--Purchase of lands--Condemnation of lands--Condemnation laws applicable. - 47-29-19. Extension of cemetery boundaries--Purchase of lands--Condemnation of lands--Condemnation laws...
Section 47-29-20 - Improvements on cemetery lands--Prohibited uses. - 47-29-20. Improvements on cemetery lands--Prohibited uses. A cemetery corporation shall...
Section 47-29-21 - Authorization to hold personal property. - 47-29-21. Authorization to hold personal property. A cemetery corporation may...
Section 47-29-22 - Authorization to establish perpetual fund--Donations--Election of trustees--Bond and accounting of trustees. - 47-29-22. Authorization to establish perpetual fund--Donations--Election of trustees--Bond and accounting...
Section 47-29-23 - Distribution of proceeds from sale of cemetery lots--Use in care of cemetery--Expenses--Profit prohibited. - 47-29-23. Distribution of proceeds from sale of cemetery lots--Use in...
Section 47-29-24 - Percentage of proceeds used to pay debts. - 47-29-24. Percentage of proceeds used to pay debts. At least...
Section 47-29-25 - Cemetery property as exempt from taxation and local assessments--Appropriation for state highway purposes of unused lands. - 47-29-25. Cemetery property as exempt from taxation and local assessments--Appropriation...
Section 47-29-26 - Validation of previous cemetery lot deeds. - 47-29-26. Validation of previous cemetery lot deeds. All instruments of...