47-29-24. Percentage of proceeds used to pay debts.
At least fifty percent of the gross proceeds of sales of lots or graves must be applied as often as every six months to the payment of the debts and obligations of the cemetery corporation.
Source: SDC 1939, ยง11.1910.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 29 - Cemetery Corporations
Section 47-29-1 - Cemetery corporations authorized--Nonprofit corporation law as applicable.
Section 47-29-4 - Quorum of members--Proxies counted.
Section 47-29-6 - Directors required to be members.
Section 47-29-7 - Grounds previously used for burial--Lot owners as members of corporation.
Section 47-29-10 - Other laws applicable to nonperpetual care cemeteries.
Section 47-29-12 - Additional holdings of real property--Sale of additional holdings.
Section 47-29-13 - Surveying and platting of cemetery grounds--Recordation--Lot numbering.
Section 47-29-14 - Sale of unplatted and unused ground.
Section 47-29-17 - Order granting or denying petition--Order as conclusive absent appeal.
Section 47-29-18 - Judgment as vacating plat or survey--Replatting.
Section 47-29-20 - Improvements on cemetery lands--Prohibited uses.
Section 47-29-21 - Authorization to hold personal property.
Section 47-29-24 - Percentage of proceeds used to pay debts.
Section 47-29-26 - Validation of previous cemetery lot deeds.