South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 34 - Pulse Crops
Section 38-34-18 - Refund of assessment--Application--Time for refund.

38-34-18. Refund of assessment--Application--Time for refund.
Any grower subject to the assessment provided in this chapter, within sixty days following the assessment, may apply to the council for a refund of the assessment. Upon return of the refund application accompanied by a record of the assessment by the first purchaser, the grower shall, within sixty days, be refunded the net amount of the assessment collected. Additionally, a grower, who for any reason, pays the assessment more than once on the same pulse crops, upon furnishing proof of this to the council, is entitled to a refund of the overpayment.

Source: SL 2005, ch 214, ยง18.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 38 - Agriculture and Horticulture

Chapter 34 - Pulse Crops

Section 38-34-1 - Definitions.

Section 38-34-2 - South Dakota Pulse Crops Council--Initial appointment of members.

Section 38-34-3 - Terms of members--Subsequent election of council members--Qualification--Vacancy.

Section 38-34-4 - Election of officers--Quorum--Meetings.

Section 38-34-5 - Compensation of members.

Section 38-34-6 - Pulse crops fund--Collection and expenditure of funds.

Section 38-34-7 - Powers and duties of council.

Section 38-34-8 - Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-34-9 - Effect of chapter on Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources or other agencies.

Section 38-34-10 - Assessment on pulse crop--Rate--Reciprocal agreements.

Section 38-34-11 - Collection and remission of assessment.

Section 38-34-12 - First purchaser of pulse crops--Information required on application or affidavit.

Section 38-34-13 - Record of purchases of pulse crops--Quantity--Rules on report and assessment.

Section 38-34-14 - Pledge or mortgage of pulse crops as security for loan under federal price support program--Procedures for payment of assessment.

Section 38-34-15 - Satisfaction of assessment liability if crops remain in storage for duration of pledge or mortgage--Exception.

Section 38-34-16 - Undercollections or overcollections of one dollar or less--Commodity Credit Corporation not required to collect or refund.

Section 38-34-17 - Enforcement of collection.

Section 38-34-18 - Refund of assessment--Application--Time for refund.

Section 38-34-19 - Information on purpose of assessment and claim of refund--Development and dissemination.

Section 38-34-20 - Referendum on raising or reducing assessment.

Section 38-34-21 - Council may contract with Public Utilities Commission to inspect assessment and checkoff records.