South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 34 - Pulse Crops
Section 38-34-14 - Pledge or mortgage of pulse crops as security for loan under federal price support program--Procedures for payment of assessment.

38-34-14. Pledge or mortgage of pulse crops as security for loan under federal price support program--Procedures for payment of assessment.
In the case of a pledge or mortgage of pulse crops as security for a loan under the federal price support program, the assessment established under §38-34-10 shall be deducted from the proceeds of the loan at the time the loan is made, or be deducted thereafter by agencies of the federal government. The producer's note and loan agreement, producer's note and supplemental loan agreement, or delivery instructions issued by the federal agency to the grower fulfill the requirements for invoices, and these documents constitute proof of payment of the assessment on the pulse crops. Forms supplemental or alternate to those approved in this section that are provided by the Commodity Credit Corporation of the United States Department of Agriculture and contain the necessary information may be used for the purposes of this section. Identification numbers created by the Commodity Credit Corporation for use in lieu of the name of the grower from whom the assessment was collected are approved, if authorized officials of the State of South Dakota have access at all reasonable times to records in the United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency county offices showing the names of growers to whom such identification numbers have been assigned.

Source: SL 2005, ch 214, §14.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 38 - Agriculture and Horticulture

Chapter 34 - Pulse Crops

Section 38-34-1 - Definitions.

Section 38-34-2 - South Dakota Pulse Crops Council--Initial appointment of members.

Section 38-34-3 - Terms of members--Subsequent election of council members--Qualification--Vacancy.

Section 38-34-4 - Election of officers--Quorum--Meetings.

Section 38-34-5 - Compensation of members.

Section 38-34-6 - Pulse crops fund--Collection and expenditure of funds.

Section 38-34-7 - Powers and duties of council.

Section 38-34-8 - Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-34-9 - Effect of chapter on Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources or other agencies.

Section 38-34-10 - Assessment on pulse crop--Rate--Reciprocal agreements.

Section 38-34-11 - Collection and remission of assessment.

Section 38-34-12 - First purchaser of pulse crops--Information required on application or affidavit.

Section 38-34-13 - Record of purchases of pulse crops--Quantity--Rules on report and assessment.

Section 38-34-14 - Pledge or mortgage of pulse crops as security for loan under federal price support program--Procedures for payment of assessment.

Section 38-34-15 - Satisfaction of assessment liability if crops remain in storage for duration of pledge or mortgage--Exception.

Section 38-34-16 - Undercollections or overcollections of one dollar or less--Commodity Credit Corporation not required to collect or refund.

Section 38-34-17 - Enforcement of collection.

Section 38-34-18 - Refund of assessment--Application--Time for refund.

Section 38-34-19 - Information on purpose of assessment and claim of refund--Development and dissemination.

Section 38-34-20 - Referendum on raising or reducing assessment.

Section 38-34-21 - Council may contract with Public Utilities Commission to inspect assessment and checkoff records.