34-35-17. Issuance of permit for open fire in Black Hills district--Conditions.
Any United States forest service supervisor or the secretary of agriculture and natural resources may issue a permit upon an application to any person to start an open fire within the Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District if the fire is not expected to endanger the life or property of another. The permit may be denied if the climatic conditions or location of the material to be burned is such that the burning would endanger the life or property of others. A permit may be issued subject to conditions and restrictions as determined necessary to prevent the spread of the fire permitted. A permit may be revoked upon the change of climatic or other conditions which is determined to make the burning unsafe.
Source: SDC Supp 1960, §25.1307 as enacted by SL 1966, ch 73, §2; SL 2002, ch 252 (Ex. Ord. 02-1), §15; SL 2015, ch 203, §2; SL 2021, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 21-3), §51, eff. April 19, 2021.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 34 - Public Health and Safety
Chapter 35 - Range And Forest Fire Prevention
Section 34-35-1 - Construction of fireguards.
Section 34-35-2 - Tax levy to defray expenses of fireguards.
Section 34-35-3 - Entry on private land to construct fireguards.
Section 34-35-6 - Fireguards not in organized townships.
Section 34-35-7 - Expense of fireguard upon township line.
Section 34-35-8 - Throwing match or burning object from vehicle as misdemeanor.
Section 34-35-12 - Civil liability for fire.
Section 34-35-13 - Sheriff's investigation of violations--Prosecution by state's attorney.
Section 34-35-14 - Possessory claim supporting recovery of fire damages.
Section 34-35-15 - Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District--Area included.
Section 34-35-17 - Issuance of permit for open fire in Black Hills district--Conditions.
Section 34-35-18 - Setting fires for forest and range management.
Section 34-35-19 - Promulgation of rules by secretary.
Section 34-35-20 - Interstate compact for the prevention and control of forest fires.