34-35-13. Sheriff's investigation of violations--Prosecution by state's attorney.
It shall be the duty of every county sheriff, whenever complaint is made to him of the violation of any provisions of §34-35-10, to diligently investigate such charge or charges, to ascertain whether any of the provisions of said section have been violated and to make a full and complete report thereof to the state's attorney who shall diligently prosecute anyone violating any of the provisions of said section.
Source: SDC 1939, §20.0208 as enacted by SL 1955, ch 66, §7.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 34 - Public Health and Safety
Chapter 35 - Range And Forest Fire Prevention
Section 34-35-1 - Construction of fireguards.
Section 34-35-2 - Tax levy to defray expenses of fireguards.
Section 34-35-3 - Entry on private land to construct fireguards.
Section 34-35-6 - Fireguards not in organized townships.
Section 34-35-7 - Expense of fireguard upon township line.
Section 34-35-8 - Throwing match or burning object from vehicle as misdemeanor.
Section 34-35-12 - Civil liability for fire.
Section 34-35-13 - Sheriff's investigation of violations--Prosecution by state's attorney.
Section 34-35-14 - Possessory claim supporting recovery of fire damages.
Section 34-35-15 - Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District--Area included.
Section 34-35-17 - Issuance of permit for open fire in Black Hills district--Conditions.
Section 34-35-18 - Setting fires for forest and range management.
Section 34-35-19 - Promulgation of rules by secretary.
Section 34-35-20 - Interstate compact for the prevention and control of forest fires.