South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 35 - Range And Forest Fire Prevention
Section 34-35-15.1 - Sellers of fireworks or pyrotechnics in business before July 1, 2007 not subject to Black Hills district boundary change.

34-35-15.1. Sellers of fireworks or pyrotechnics in business before July 1, 2007 not subject to Black Hills district boundary change.
Any person or commercial entity that, before July 1, 2007, was legally engaged in the retail sale, wholesale sale, storage, or transport of fireworks or pyrotechnics, or any successor to any such person or commercial entity, may continue to engage in any such sales, storage, or transport activity, notwithstanding any changes made to the boundaries of the Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District that take effect on July 1, 2007.

Source: SL 2007, ch 198, ยง2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 34 - Public Health and Safety

Chapter 35 - Range And Forest Fire Prevention

Section 34-35-1 - Construction of fireguards.

Section 34-35-2 - Tax levy to defray expenses of fireguards.

Section 34-35-3 - Entry on private land to construct fireguards.

Section 34-35-6 - Fireguards not in organized townships.

Section 34-35-7 - Expense of fireguard upon township line.

Section 34-35-8 - Throwing match or burning object from vehicle as misdemeanor.

Section 34-35-9 - Negligently allowing fire to spread as misdemeanor--Failure to extinguish fire--Interference with control efforts.

Section 34-35-10 - Burning off land or other flammable material without firebreak or considering weather a misdemeanor.

Section 34-35-12 - Civil liability for fire.

Section 34-35-12.1 - Liability for suppression and extinguishment costs collectable by secretary of public safety.

Section 34-35-13 - Sheriff's investigation of violations--Prosecution by state's attorney.

Section 34-35-14 - Possessory claim supporting recovery of fire damages.

Section 34-35-15 - Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District--Area included.

Section 34-35-15.1 - Sellers of fireworks or pyrotechnics in business before July 1, 2007 not subject to Black Hills district boundary change.

Section 34-35-16 - Permit required for open fire in Black Hills district--Violation as misdemeanor--Liability for civil damages.

Section 34-35-17 - Issuance of permit for open fire in Black Hills district--Conditions.

Section 34-35-18 - Setting fires for forest and range management.

Section 34-35-19 - Promulgation of rules by secretary.

Section 34-35-20 - Interstate compact for the prevention and control of forest fires.

Section 34-35-21 - Explosive firearm targets prohibited in Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District--Violation as misdemeanor--Liability for damages.