South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 14 - Medical Research
Section 34-14-26 - Definition of terms.

34-14-26. Definition of terms.
Terms used in §§34-14-26 to 34-14-28, inclusive, mean:
(1)"Human cloning," human asexual reproduction accomplished by introducing the nuclear material of a human somatic cell into a fertilized or unfertilized oocyte whose nucleus has been removed or inactivated to produce a living organism, at any stage of development, with a human or predominantly human genetic constitution;
(2)"Human somatic cell," a diploid cell, having a complete set of chromosomes, obtained or derived from a living or deceased human body at any stage of development;
(3)"Nuclear transplantation," transferring the nucleus of a human somatic cell into an oocyte from which the nucleus or all chromosomes have been or will be removed or rendered inert;
(4)"Nucleus," the cell structure that houses the chromosomes, and thus the genes;
(5)"Oocyte," the female germ cell, the egg.

Source: SL 2004, ch 227, §1.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 34 - Public Health and Safety

Chapter 14 - Medical Research

Section 34-14-1 - Information obtained in medical studies confidential--Inadmissibility in evidence.

Section 34-14-3 - Disclosure of information from medical study as misdemeanor.

Section 34-14-4 - Immunity from liability for furnishing information to research agencies.

Section 34-14-5 - Physician's consent required for research interviews.

Section 34-14-6 - Legislative findings as to use of animals in research.

Section 34-14-16 - Research that destroys human embryo prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 34-14-17 - Research subjecting human embryo to substantial risk prohibited--Sale or transfer of embryos for research prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 34-14-18 - Use of cells or tissues obtained in violation of § 34-14-16 or 34-14-17 prohibited.

Section 34-14-19 - "Nontherapeutic research" defined.

Section 34-14-20 - "Human embryo" defined.

Section 34-14-21 - Definition of terms used in §§ 34-14-21 to 34-14-24.

Section 34-14-22 - Informed consent required prior to predictive genetic testing--Minimum requirements of written, informed consent.

Section 34-14-23 - Person to be tested to receive copy of signed consent form--Original signed form to be filed in medical records.

Section 34-14-24 - Tests performed in pursuance of criminal investigation or court order not affected.

Section 34-14-25 - Genetic testing to be performed by accredited laboratory enrolled in proficiency testing program--State health laboratory not affected.

Section 34-14-26 - Definition of terms.

Section 34-14-27 - Human cloning as felony--Civil penalty.

Section 34-14-28 - Scientific research not restricted if not prohibited.