South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 14 - Medical Research
Section 34-14-19 - "Nontherapeutic research" defined.

34-14-19."Nontherapeutic research" defined.
For purposes of §§34-14-16 to 34-14-20, inclusive, the term, nontherapeutic research, means research that is not intended to help preserve the life and health of the particular embryo subjected to risk. It does not include in vitro fertilization and accompanying embryo transfer to a woman's body or any diagnostic test which may assist in the future care of a child subjected to such tests.

Source: SL 2000, ch 169, §4.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 34 - Public Health and Safety

Chapter 14 - Medical Research

Section 34-14-1 - Information obtained in medical studies confidential--Inadmissibility in evidence.

Section 34-14-3 - Disclosure of information from medical study as misdemeanor.

Section 34-14-4 - Immunity from liability for furnishing information to research agencies.

Section 34-14-5 - Physician's consent required for research interviews.

Section 34-14-6 - Legislative findings as to use of animals in research.

Section 34-14-16 - Research that destroys human embryo prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 34-14-17 - Research subjecting human embryo to substantial risk prohibited--Sale or transfer of embryos for research prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 34-14-18 - Use of cells or tissues obtained in violation of § 34-14-16 or 34-14-17 prohibited.

Section 34-14-19 - "Nontherapeutic research" defined.

Section 34-14-20 - "Human embryo" defined.

Section 34-14-21 - Definition of terms used in §§ 34-14-21 to 34-14-24.

Section 34-14-22 - Informed consent required prior to predictive genetic testing--Minimum requirements of written, informed consent.

Section 34-14-23 - Person to be tested to receive copy of signed consent form--Original signed form to be filed in medical records.

Section 34-14-24 - Tests performed in pursuance of criminal investigation or court order not affected.

Section 34-14-25 - Genetic testing to be performed by accredited laboratory enrolled in proficiency testing program--State health laboratory not affected.

Section 34-14-26 - Definition of terms.

Section 34-14-27 - Human cloning as felony--Civil penalty.

Section 34-14-28 - Scientific research not restricted if not prohibited.