2-1-16. Signatures to be verified by random sampling--Methodology.
The secretary of state shall verify the signatures pursuant to §2-1-15 by random sampling. The random sample of signatures to be verified shall be drawn so that each signature received by the secretary of state is given an equal opportunity to be included in the sample. The secretary of state shall calculate the number of valid signatures by multiplying the total number of signatures received by the percentage of successfully verified signatures from the random sample. The secretary of state shall promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, establishing the methodology for conducting the random sample. The random sampling shall be an examination of the signatures received consisting of a number of signatures that is statistically correlative to not less than ninety-five percent level of confidence with a margin of error equal to not more than three and sixty-two one-hundredths percent.
Source: SL 2007, ch 16, §2; SL 2017, ch 12, §7.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 2 - Legislature and Statutes
Chapter 01 - Initiative And Referendum
Section 2-1-1 - Initiative petitions--Number of signatures required.
Section 2-1-1.1 - Initiated constitutional amendment--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing.
Section 2-1-1.2 - Initiated measure--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing.
Section 2-1-1.3 - Definitions.
Section 2-1-1.6 - Paid circulators--Directory.
Section 2-1-1.7 - Registration fees.
Section 2-1-1.8 - Identification number and badge.
Section 2-1-1.9 - Paid circulator badge--Requirement--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 2-1-2.2 - Withdrawal of initiated constitutional amendment.
Section 2-1-2.3 - Withdrawal of initiated measure.
Section 2-1-3 - Referendum--Laws subject to petition--Form.
Section 2-1-3.1 - Referred law--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing.
Section 2-1-3.2 - Withdrawal of petition for referred law.
Section 2-1-5 - Total vote used to determine number of signers required in petitions.
Section 2-1-6 - Persons qualified to sign petitions--False or unqualified signing as misdemeanor.
Section 2-1-7 - Petitions to be signed in person.
Section 2-1-9 - Separate papers constituting single petition.
Section 2-1-10 - Verification of petition circulator--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 2-1-11 - Petitions liberally construed.
Section 2-1-11.1 - Initiated measure to embrace only one subject.
Section 2-1-12 - Effective date of measures approved by voters.
Section 2-1-14 - Signatures secured contrary to law not to be counted.
Section 2-1-16 - Signatures to be verified by random sampling--Methodology.
Section 2-1-17 - Certification of results of random sampling--Notification of petition sponsors.
Section 2-1-17.1 - Submission of affidavit challenging petition to secretary of state--Appeal.
Section 2-1-18 - Court challenge to petition.
Section 2-1-21 - Violations by petition sponsor or circulator--Four-year prohibition--Civil penalty.