South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 01 - Initiative And Referendum
Section 2-1-1.5 - Paid circulators--Application for registration--Process--Certification requirements.

2-1-1.5. Paid circulators--Application for registration--Process--Certification requirements.
Prior to circulation of any petition for a ballot measure, a paid circulator shall submit an application to the secretary of state, obtain a circulator identification number, and be included in a directory of registered paid circulators. For each ballot measure on which a paid circulator seeks to circulate a petition, the paid circulator shall certify the circulator's name, that the circulator is at least eighteen years of age, physical address of current residence, physical address of prior residence if current residence is less than one year, email address, phone number, state of issuance for driver license or other government-issued identification, state of voter registration, the name of the petition sponsor, and whether the paid circulator is a registered sex offender. The certification under this section shall be submitted to the office of the secretary of state. If a paid circulator fails to file the registration required by this section before circulating a petition, or if the registration is incomplete, or if any statement included in the paid circulator's certification is determined to be false, any signatures collected by the paid circulator are void and may not be counted. Petition sponsors shall provide a list to the secretary of state of any person acting as a paid circulator for the sponsor's ballot measure and the rate of compensation.
An application submitted under this section may be filed by electronic transmission in accordance with methods approved by the secretary of state. To be timely filed, any application received by electronic transmission shall be legible when received by the means it was delivered.
A paid circulator and petition sponsor shall update any information required under this section with the secretary of state not more than seven days of any change.

Source: SL 2019, ch 14, §3, eff. July 1, 2020; SL 2020, ch 8, § 3.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 2 - Legislature and Statutes

Chapter 01 - Initiative And Referendum

Section 2-1-1 - Initiative petitions--Number of signatures required.

Section 2-1-1.1 - Initiated constitutional amendment--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing.

Section 2-1-1.2 - Initiated measure--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing.

Section 2-1-1.3 - Definitions.

Section 2-1-1.5 - Paid circulators--Application for registration--Process--Certification requirements.

Section 2-1-1.6 - Paid circulators--Directory.

Section 2-1-1.7 - Registration fees.

Section 2-1-1.8 - Identification number and badge.

Section 2-1-1.9 - Paid circulator badge--Requirement--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 2-1-2.2 - Withdrawal of initiated constitutional amendment.

Section 2-1-2.3 - Withdrawal of initiated measure.

Section 2-1-3 - Referendum--Laws subject to petition--Form.

Section 2-1-3.1 - Referred law--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing.

Section 2-1-3.2 - Withdrawal of petition for referred law.

Section 2-1-5 - Total vote used to determine number of signers required in petitions.

Section 2-1-6 - Persons qualified to sign petitions--False or unqualified signing as misdemeanor.

Section 2-1-7 - Petitions to be signed in person.

Section 2-1-9 - Separate papers constituting single petition.

Section 2-1-10 - Verification of petition circulator--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 2-1-11 - Petitions liberally construed.

Section 2-1-11.1 - Initiated measure to embrace only one subject.

Section 2-1-12 - Effective date of measures approved by voters.

Section 2-1-14 - Signatures secured contrary to law not to be counted.

Section 2-1-15 - Examination of petition by secretary of state--Signature not to be counted unless person is registered voter and information is accurate and complete.

Section 2-1-16 - Signatures to be verified by random sampling--Methodology.

Section 2-1-17 - Certification of results of random sampling--Notification of petition sponsors.

Section 2-1-17.1 - Submission of affidavit challenging petition to secretary of state--Appeal.

Section 2-1-18 - Court challenge to petition.

Section 2-1-21 - Violations by petition sponsor or circulator--Four-year prohibition--Civil penalty.