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Section 2-1-1 - Initiative petitions--Number of signatures required. - 2-1-1. Initiative petitions--Number of signatures required. All measures proposed by...
Section 2-1-1.1 - Initiated constitutional amendment--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing. - 2-1-1.1. Initiated constitutional amendment--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing. The petition as it...
Section 2-1-1.2 - Initiated measure--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing. - 2-1-1.2. Initiated measure--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing. The petition as it is...
Section 2-1-1.3 - Definitions. - 2-1-1.3. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Circulates," either:...
Section 2-1-1.5 - Paid circulators--Application for registration--Process--Certification requirements. - 2-1-1.5. Paid circulators--Application for registration--Process--Certification requirements. Prior to circulation of...
Section 2-1-1.6 - Paid circulators--Directory. - 2-1-1.6. Paid circulators--Directory. The secretary of state shall develop and...
Section 2-1-1.7 - Registration fees. - 2-1-1.7. Registration fees. A paid circulator who registers under §2-1-1.5...
Section 2-1-1.8 - Identification number and badge. - 2-1-1.8. Identification number and badge. Following receipt of any application...
Section 2-1-1.9 - Paid circulator badge--Requirement--Violation as misdemeanor. - 2-1-1.9. Paid circulator badge--Requirement--Violation as misdemeanor. A person shall wear...
Section 2-1-2.2 - Withdrawal of initiated constitutional amendment. - 2-1-2.2. Withdrawal of initiated constitutional amendment. A petition of the...
Section 2-1-2.3 - Withdrawal of initiated measure. - 2-1-2.3. Withdrawal of initiated measure. A petition of the voters...
Section 2-1-3 - Referendum--Laws subject to petition--Form. - 2-1-3. Referendum--Laws subject to petition--Form. Any law which the Legislature...
Section 2-1-3.1 - Referred law--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing. - 2-1-3.1. Referred law--Petition--Contents--Signatures and filing. The petition as it is...
Section 2-1-3.2 - Withdrawal of petition for referred law. - 2-1-3.2. Withdrawal of petition for referred law. A petition of...
Section 2-1-5 - Total vote used to determine number of signers required in petitions. - 2-1-5. Total vote used to determine number of signers required...
Section 2-1-6 - Persons qualified to sign petitions--False or unqualified signing as misdemeanor. - 2-1-6. Persons qualified to sign petitions--False or unqualified signing as...
Section 2-1-7 - Petitions to be signed in person. - 2-1-7. Petitions to be signed in person. Every petition proposing...
Section 2-1-9 - Separate papers constituting single petition. - 2-1-9. Separate papers constituting single petition. A single petition may...
Section 2-1-10 - Verification of petition circulator--Violation as misdemeanor. - 2-1-10. Verification of petition circulator--Violation as misdemeanor. Before filing a...
Section 2-1-11 - Petitions liberally construed. - 2-1-11. Petitions liberally construed. The petitions herein provided for shall...
Section 2-1-11.1 - Initiated measure to embrace only one subject. - 2-1-11.1. Initiated measure to embrace only one subject. No initiated...
Section 2-1-12 - Effective date of measures approved by voters. - 2-1-12. Effective date of measures approved by voters. Each constitutional...
Section 2-1-14 - Signatures secured contrary to law not to be counted. - 2-1-14. Signatures secured contrary to law not to be counted....
Section 2-1-15 - Examination of petition by secretary of state--Signature not to be counted unless person is registered voter and information is accurate and complete. - 2-1-15. Examination of petition by secretary of state--Signature not to...
Section 2-1-16 - Signatures to be verified by random sampling--Methodology. - 2-1-16. Signatures to be verified by random sampling--Methodology. The secretary...
Section 2-1-17 - Certification of results of random sampling--Notification of petition sponsors. - 2-1-17. Certification of results of random sampling--Notification of petition sponsors....
Section 2-1-17.1 - Submission of affidavit challenging petition to secretary of state--Appeal. - 2-1-17.1. Submission of affidavit challenging petition to secretary of state--Appeal....
Section 2-1-18 - Court challenge to petition. - 2-1-18. Court challenge to petition. Nothing in §§2-1-15 to 2-1-18,...
Section 2-1-21 - Violations by petition sponsor or circulator--Four-year prohibition--Civil penalty. - 2-1-21. Violations by petition sponsor or circulator--Four-year prohibition--Civil penalty. If...