13-32-9. Suspension from extracurricular activities for controlled substances violation--Unified Judicial System to give certain notices.
Any person adjudicated, convicted, the subject of an informal adjustment or court-approved diversion program, or the subject of a suspended imposition of sentence or suspended adjudication of delinquency for possession, use, or distribution of controlled drugs or substances or marijuana as defined in chapter 22-42, or for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise taking into the body any substances as prohibited by §22-42-15, is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity at any secondary school accredited by the Department of Education for one calendar year from the date of adjudication, conviction, diversion, or suspended imposition of sentence. The one-year suspension may be reduced to thirty calendar days if the person participates in an assessment with a certified or licensed addiction counselor. If the assessment indicates the need for a higher level of care, the student is required to complete the prescribed program before becoming eligible to participate in extracurricular activities. Upon a second adjudication, conviction, diversion, or suspended imposition of a sentence for possession, use, or distribution of controlled drugs, substances, or marijuana as defined in chapter 22-42, or for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise taking into the body any substance as prohibited by §22-42-15, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that person is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity at any secondary school accredited by the Department of Education for one year from the date of adjudication, conviction, diversion, or suspended imposition of sentence. The one year suspension may be reduced to sixty calendar days if the person completes an accredited intensive prevention or treatment program. Upon a third or subsequent adjudication, conviction, diversion, or suspended imposition of sentence for possession, use, or distribution of controlled drugs or substances or marijuana as defined in chapter 22-42, or for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise taking into the body any substances as prohibited by §22-42-15, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that person is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity at any secondary school accredited by the Department of Education. Upon such a determination in any juvenile court proceeding the Unified Judicial System shall give notice of that determination to the South Dakota High School Activities Association and the chief administrator of the school in which the person is participating in any extracurricular activity. The Unified Judicial System shall give notice to the chief administrators of secondary schools accredited by the Department of Education for any such determination in a court proceeding for any person eighteen to twenty-one years of age without regard to current status in school or involvement in extracurricular activities. The notice shall include name, date of birth, city of residence, and offense. The chief administrator shall give notice to the South Dakota High School Activities Association if any such person is participating in extracurricular activities.
Upon placement of the person in an informal adjustment or court-approved diversion program, the state's attorney who placed the person in that program shall give notice of that placement to the South Dakota High School Activities Association and chief administrator of the school in which the person is participating in any extracurricular activity.
As used in this section, the term, extracurricular activity, means any activity sanctioned by the South Dakota High School Activities Association. Students are ineligible to participate in activity events, competitions, and performances, but a local school district may allow a student to participate in practices.
Source: SL 1997, ch 102, §§1, 4; SL 2003, ch 272 (Ex. Ord. 03-1), §63; SL 2006, ch 82, §1; SL 2010, ch 92, §1; SL 2014, ch 88, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 32 - Supervision Of Students And Conduct Of School
Section 13-32-1 - Disciplinary authority over students on school premises.
Section 13-32-3 - Reference for psychiatric treatment prohibited without parents' consent.
Section 13-32-4.2 - Procedure for suspension--Appeal--Hearing.
Section 13-32-4.3 - Effect of student's suspension or expulsion on enrollment.
Section 13-32-4.4 - Early reinstatement of expelled student.
Section 13-32-4.5 - Conditions for early reinstatement.
Section 13-32-4.7 - Due process procedures--Promulgation of early reinstatement rules.
Section 13-32-5 - Injury to school property as ground for suspension or expulsion.
Section 13-32-6 - Disturbance of school as misdemeanor.
Section 13-32-8 - School safety patrols--Insurance coverage.
Section 13-32-9.1 - Consequences imposed by local school districts.
Section 13-32-9.2 - Reduced suspensions--Minimum requirements--Commencement of suspension.
Section 13-32-10 - Definition of terms regarding self-administration of medication.
Section 13-32-11 - Student self-administration of prescription asthma and anaphylaxis medication.
Section 13-32-12 - Disciplinary action regarding self-administration of medication.
Section 13-32-13 - Applicability of provisions regarding self-administration of medication.
Section 13-32-14 - Adoption of bullying policy.
Section 13-32-15 - Bullying defined.
Section 13-32-16 - Bullying policy requirements.
Section 13-32-17 - Action for damages from bullying--Immunity for reporting.
Section 13-32-18 - Incidents involving electronic devices .
Section 13-32-19 - Model bullying policy.
Section 13-32-20 - Policy for school district employees on use of restraint and seclusion.