South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 32 - Supervision Of Students And Conduct Of School
Section 13-32-19 - Model bullying policy.

13-32-19. Model bullying policy.
The model bullying policy pursuant to §§13-32-14 to 13-32-18, inclusive, is as follows:
The School District is committed to maintaining a constructive, safe school climate that is conducive to student learning and fostering an environment in which all students are treated with respect and dignity.
Persistent bullying can severely inhibit a student's ability to learn and may have lasting negative effects on a student's life. The bullying of students by students, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.
Bullying consists of repeated physical, verbal, non-verbal, written, electronic, or any conduct directed toward a student that is so pervasive, severe, and objectively offensive that it:
(1)Has the purpose of creating or resulting in an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment; or
(2)Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student's academic performance which deprives the student access to educational opportunities.
Any staff member observing or suspecting bullying toward another individual is required to report the issue to his or her building supervisor.
This policy is in effect while students are on property within the jurisdiction of the School Board; while students are in school-owned or school-operated vehicles; and while students are attending or engaged in school-sponsored activities.
The District will act to investigate all complaints (formal or informal, verbal or written) of bullying. A formal complaint may be submitted to the building principal. Any student engaging in an act of bullying is subject to discipline pursuant to the District's student discipline procedure.
This policy may not be interpreted to prohibit civil exchange of opinions or debate protected under the state or federal constitutions if the opinion expressed does not otherwise materially or substantially disrupt the education process or intrude upon the rights of others.

Source: SL 2012, ch 96, §6.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 13 - Education

Chapter 32 - Supervision Of Students And Conduct Of School

Section 13-32-1 - Disciplinary authority over students on school premises.

Section 13-32-2 - Physical force authorized when reasonable and necessary--Attendance at school functions away from premises--Authority of bus drivers.

Section 13-32-3 - Reference for psychiatric treatment prohibited without parents' consent.

Section 13-32-4 - School board to assist in discipline--Suspension and expulsion of pupils--Report to local authorities--Hearings--Alternative settings.

Section 13-32-4.1 - Attendance policy--Adoption by school board--Suspension and expulsion power unaffected.

Section 13-32-4.2 - Procedure for suspension--Appeal--Hearing.

Section 13-32-4.3 - Effect of student's suspension or expulsion on enrollment.

Section 13-32-4.4 - Early reinstatement of expelled student.

Section 13-32-4.5 - Conditions for early reinstatement.

Section 13-32-4.6 - Return to school upon fulfillment of conditions--Revocation of early reinstatement.

Section 13-32-4.7 - Due process procedures--Promulgation of early reinstatement rules.

Section 13-32-5 - Injury to school property as ground for suspension or expulsion.

Section 13-32-6 - Disturbance of school as misdemeanor.

Section 13-32-7 - Possession of firearm or dangerous weapon on public elementary or secondary school premises or in vehicle or building as misdemeanor--Exceptions.

Section 13-32-8 - School safety patrols--Insurance coverage.

Section 13-32-9 - Suspension from extracurricular activities for controlled substances violation--Unified Judicial System to give certain notices.

Section 13-32-9.1 - Consequences imposed by local school districts.

Section 13-32-9.2 - Reduced suspensions--Minimum requirements--Commencement of suspension.

Section 13-32-10 - Definition of terms regarding self-administration of medication.

Section 13-32-11 - Student self-administration of prescription asthma and anaphylaxis medication.

Section 13-32-12 - Disciplinary action regarding self-administration of medication.

Section 13-32-13 - Applicability of provisions regarding self-administration of medication.

Section 13-32-14 - Adoption of bullying policy.

Section 13-32-15 - Bullying defined.

Section 13-32-16 - Bullying policy requirements.

Section 13-32-17 - Action for damages from bullying--Immunity for reporting.

Section 13-32-18 - Incidents involving electronic devices .

Section 13-32-19 - Model bullying policy.

Section 13-32-20 - Policy for school district employees on use of restraint and seclusion.