South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 18 - School District Warrants And Disbursements
Section 13-18-10 - Checks for federal tax payments as preferred obligation--Special accounts for federal moneys.

13-18-10. Checks for federal tax payments as preferred obligation--Special accounts for federal moneys.
Checks issued for the payment of old age and survivor's insurance (social security) tax, and for internal revenue tax withheld from school district employees and other mandatory payroll deductions shall be paid as a preference obligation of the school district before registered warrants are called and paid. Federal moneys which are commingled with other school district moneys in any fund shall be identified by special accounts in order that these moneys are available for their intended purpose and are not subject to registered warrant status in such fund.

Source: SL 1957, ch 70; SDC Supp 1960, §15.2213; SL 1975, ch 128, §114.