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Section 13-18-1 - Check, warrant or electronic funds transfer required for payment of school funds. - 13-18-1. Check, warrant or electronic funds transfer required for payment...
Section 13-18-2 - Contents and signing of checks and warrants. - 13-18-2. Contents and signing of checks and warrants. The school...
Section 13-18-3 - Itemized invoice and verified voucher required for issuance of check or warrant--Retention. - 13-18-3. Itemized invoice and verified voucher required for issuance of...
Section 13-18-8 - Business manager's check register--Form and contents. - 13-18-8. Business manager's check register--Form and contents. The business manager...
Section 13-18-9 - Registered warrant prenumbered and issued when funds insufficient--Records kept--Endorsement--Interest earned. - 13-18-9. Registered warrant prenumbered and issued when funds insufficient--Records kept--Endorsement--Interest...
Section 13-18-10 - Checks for federal tax payments as preferred obligation--Special accounts for federal moneys. - 13-18-10. Checks for federal tax payments as preferred obligation--Special accounts...
Section 13-18-11 - Register of warrants not paid for want of funds--Payment in order of registration. - 13-18-11. Register of warrants not paid for want of funds--Payment...
Section 13-18-13 - Call of registered warrants for payment--Cessation of interest. - 13-18-13. Call of registered warrants for payment--Cessation of interest. Whenever...
Section 13-18-14 - Cancellation of check or warrant not presented for payment--Notation in register. - 13-18-14. Cancellation of check or warrant not presented for payment--Notation...
Section 13-18-15 - Payment of check or warrant despite cancellation provisions. - 13-18-15. Payment of check or warrant despite cancellation provisions. Notwithstanding...
Section 13-18-16 - Petty cash account--Maximum amount. - 13-18-16. Petty cash account--Maximum amount. Nothing in ยง13-18-1 or 13-18-2...
Section 13-18-17 - Incidental account. - 13-18-17. Incidental account. A school district may establish an incidental...
Section 13-18-18 - Health insurance flexible spending accounts. - 13-18-18. Health insurance flexible spending accounts. Any health insurance plan...