11-8-7. Legislative findings and declaration of necessity.
It is hereby found and declared that there exist in municipalities of the state slum and blighted areas, as defined in §§11-8-2 and 11-8-3, which constitute a serious and growing menace, injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and welfare of the residents of the state; that the existence of such areas contributes substantially and increasingly to the spread of disease and crime, constitutes an economic and social liability imposing onerous municipal burdens which decrease the tax base and reduce tax revenues, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of municipalities, retards the provision of housing accommodations, aggravates traffic problems and substantially impairs or arrests the elimination of traffic hazards and the improvement of traffic facilities; and that the prevention and elimination of slums and blight is a matter of state policy and state concern in order that the state and its municipalities shall not continue to be endangered by areas which are focal centers of disease, promote juvenile delinquency, and consume an excessive proportion of its revenues because of the extra services required for police, fire, accident, hospitalization, and other forms of public protection, services, and facilities.
It is further found and declared that certain slum or blighted areas, or portions thereof, may require acquisition, clearance, and disposition subject to use restrictions, as provided in this chapter, since the prevailing condition of decay may make impracticable the reclamation of the area by conservation or rehabilitation; that other areas or portions thereof may, through the means provided in this chapter, be susceptible of conservation or rehabilitation in such a manner that the conditions and evils hereinbefore enumerated may be eliminated, remedied, or prevented; and that salvageable slum and blighted areas can be conserved and rehabilitated through appropriate public action as herein authorized, and the cooperation and voluntary action of the owners and tenants of property in such areas.
It is further found and declared that the powers conferred by this chapter are for public uses and purposes for which public money may be expended and the power of eminent domain and police power exercised; and the necessity in the public interest for the provisions herein enacted is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination.
Source: SL 1966, ch 149, §3.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 11 - Planning, Zoning and Housing Programs
Section 11-8-1 - Definition of terms.
Section 11-8-2 - "Slum area" defined.
Section 11-8-3 - "Blighted area" defined.
Section 11-8-4 - "Urban renewal area" defined.
Section 11-8-5 - "Urban renewal project" defined.
Section 11-8-6 - "Urban renewal plan" defined.
Section 11-8-7 - Legislative findings and declaration of necessity.
Section 11-8-9 - Formulation of municipal program for urban renewal--Elements included in program.
Section 11-8-11 - Discrimination prohibited.
Section 11-8-13 - Finding of slum area or blighted area required before approval of project.
Section 11-8-15 - Notice and hearing by governing body on urban renewal plan.
Section 11-8-16 - Findings required for approval of urban renewal project by governing body.
Section 11-8-17 - Findings required for approval of urban renewal project in open area.
Section 11-8-18 - Requirements waived for rehabilitation of disaster area.
Section 11-8-19 - Modification of urban renewal plan--Rights of lessee or purchaser protected.
Section 11-8-20 - Plan or modification effective on approval by governing body.
Section 11-8-21 - Necessary powers granted to municipality.
Section 11-8-23 - Municipal power to make urban renewal inspections and surveys--Property powers.
Section 11-8-24 - Municipal power to develop plans--Demonstration projects.
Section 11-8-26 - Relocation assistance and payments to persons displaced from urban renewal area.
Section 11-8-27 - Changes in streets and public places--Replanning.
Section 11-8-29.1 - Appropriations by municipality to finance projects.
Section 11-8-30 - Acceptance of loans and grants--Agreement to conditions of federal assistance.
Section 11-8-31 - Investment of reserve and debt service funds--Redemption of bonds.
Section 11-8-32 - Coordination of urban renewal activities--Organization of municipal government.
Section 11-8-33 - Combination of powers exercised by municipality.
Section 11-8-35 - Municipal power to assist as public body.
Section 11-8-41 - Appointment and terms of office of commissioners of urban renewal agency.
Section 11-8-42 - Commissioners and urban renewal officers not to hold other public office.
Section 11-8-44 - Removal of commissioner from office--Notice and hearing.
Section 11-8-50 - Eminent domain power for urban renewal--Property devoted to prior public use.
Section 11-8-54 - Temporary operation and maintenance of urban renewal property by municipality.
Section 11-8-60 - Municipal conveyance conclusively presumed valid.
Section 11-8-61 - Recording of urban renewal plan and contract for transfer of property.
Section 11-8-62 - Formalities waived in disposition of property acquired prior to approval of plan.
Section 11-8-66 - Power to issue bonds for urban renewal projects--Refunding bonds.
Section 11-8-68 - Resolution or ordinance authorizing bonds.
Section 11-8-71 - Bonds not subject to debt limitation.
Section 11-8-72 - Tax exemption of bonds.
Section 11-8-73 - Recital in bond conclusive of purpose and validity.
Section 11-8-75 - Chapter controlling and supplemental to other laws.